


fellow developers and analysts. I have some experience in SQL and have resorted to similar posts. However, this is slightly more niche. Thank you in advance for helping.


I have the below dataset (edited. Apology)

CREATE TABLE CustomerPoints
    CustomerID INT,
    [Date]     Date,
    Points     INT

INSERT INTO CustomerPoints
    (1, '20150101', 500),
    (1, '20150201', -400),
    (1, '20151101', 300),
    (1, '20151201', -400)


and need to turn it into (edited. The figures in previous table were incorrect)

任何正数的积分都是所赚取的积分,而负数的则兑换为积分.由于先进先出(先进先出概念),在第二批花费的积分(-400)中,其中100积分是从20150101(英国格式)获得的积分中抽取的,而2015 20151则是300.

Any positive amount of points are points earned whereas negative are redeemed. Because of the FIFO (1st in 1st out concept), of the second batch of points spent (-400), 100 of those were taken from points earned on 20150101 (UK format) and 300 from 20151101.


The goal is to calculate, for each customer, the number of points spent within x and y months of earning. Again, thank you for your help.



I have already answered a similar question here and here


You need to explode points earned and redeemed by single units and then couple them, so each point earned will be matched by a redeemed point.


For each of these matching rows calculate the months elapsed from the earning to the redeeming and then aggregate it all.


For FN_NUMBERS(n) it is a tally table, look at other answers I have linked above.

p as (select * from CustomerPoints),
e as (select * from p where points>0),
r as (select * from p where points<0),
ex as (
    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by CustomerID order by [date] ) rn
    from e
    join FN_NUMBERS(1000) on N<= e.points
rx as (
    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by CustomerID order by [date] ) rn
    from r
    join FN_NUMBERS(1000) on N<= -r.points
j as (
select ex.CustomerID, DATEDIFF(month,ex.date, rx.date) mm
from ex
join rx on ex.CustomerID = rx.CustomerID and ex.rn = rx.rn and rx.date>ex.date
-- use this select to see points redeemed in current and past semester
select * from j  join (select 0 s union all select 1 s ) p on j.mm >= (p.s*6)+(p.s) and j.mm < p.s*6+6 pivot (count(mm) for s in ([0],[2])) p order by 1, 2

-- use this select to see points redeemed with months detail
--select * from j pivot (count(mm) for mm in ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])) p order by 1

-- use this select to see points redeemed in rows per month
--select CustomerID, mm, COUNT(mm) PointsRedeemed   from j  group by CustomerID, mm order by 1


output of default query, 0 is 0-6 months, 1 is 7-12 (age of redemption in months)

CustomerID  0   1
1           700 100


output of 2nd query, 0..12 is the age of redemption in months

CustomerID  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
1           0   700 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   100 0


output from 3rd query, is the age of redemption in months

CustomerID  mm  PointsRedeemed
1           1   700
1           11  100



08-03 23:15