




单元格中的表格1 A2:A50 我有这种格式的日期(4/5/13) 。在单元格中的表格2 E5 我有四月份,我希望它总计在F5中创建的PO数量。


我尝试使用 = COUNTIF('2013'!$ A $ 2:$ A $ 50,'2013 Metrics'!E5)。我有一种感觉,因为我的范围是4/5/13格式,我的标准是4月,这将不起作用。

我可以使用这个公式,按月计算总支出: = SUM(IF(MONTH('2013'!$ A $ 2:$ A $ 19)= 4,'2013'!$ D $ 2:$ D $ 19,0))但不幸的是,每月有多少个PO。


使用数据透视表。您可以通过右键单击并单击刷新来手动刷新数据透视表的数据源。否则,您可以设置一个工作表_更改宏 - 或只是一个刷新按钮。数据透视表教程在这里:

1)从Date列创建Month列(例如 = TEXT(B2,MMM)

2)从日期列创建年份列(例如 = TEXT(B2, YYYY)



有更好的教程我是肯定只是google / bing数据透视表教程。

I am creating a spreadsheet with all my data on one sheet and metrics on the other. I need help with an excel formula that will allow me to total the number of PO's by month.

On sheet 1 in cells A2:A50 I have the dates in this format (4/5/13). On sheet 2 in cell E5 I have April and I want it to total the number of PO's created in F5.

How can I do this?

I have tried using =COUNTIF('2013'!$A$2:$A$50,'2013 Metrics'!E5). I have a feeling that since my range is in 4/5/13 format and my criteria is April that won't work.

I was able to use this formula for total spend by month: =SUM(IF(MONTH('2013'!$A$2:$A$19)=4,'2013'!$D$2:$D$19,0)) but not luck with how many PO's by month.


Use a pivot table. You can manually refresh a pivot table's data source by right-clicking on it and clicking refresh. Otherwise you can set up a worksheet_change macro - or just a refresh button. Pivot Table tutorial is here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/08/19/excel-pivot-tables-tutorial/

1) Create a Month column from your Date column (e.g. =TEXT(B2,"MMM") )

2) Create a Year column from your Date column (e.g. =TEXT(B2,"YYYY") )

3) Add a Count column, with "1" for each value

4) Create a Pivot table with the fields, Count, Month and Year5) Drag the Year and Month fields into Row Labels. Ensure that Year is above month so your Pivot table first groups by year, then by month6) Drag the Count field into Values to create a Count of Count

There are better tutorials I'm sure just google/bing "pivot table tutorial".


08-03 23:13