MySQL 文档并不完全清楚 InnoDB引擎实现了真正的可序列化隔离或快照隔离,它也经常被混淆地称为可序列化".是哪个?
It is not entirely clear from MySQL documentation whether the InnoDB engine implements true serializable isolation or snapshot isolation, which is often confusingly called "serializable" too. Which one is it?
如果 MySQL InnoDB 没有,是否有任何完全免费的、生产质量的 RDBMS 可以做到?
If MySQL InnoDB doesn't, are there any completely free, production-quality RDBMS which do?
其中真正的可序列化隔离"意味着不仅不存在符合 SQL 标准的读取异常,而且不存在写入倾斜异常,进一步详细解释此处.
where "true serializable isolation" means the absence of not only read anomalies as per the SQL standard, but also the write skew anomaly, explained in further detail here.
Postgres 支持真正的可序列化隔离从 9.1 版开始.它当然符合完全免费"和生产质量"的要求.
Postgres has support for true serializable isolation starting with version 9.1. It certainly qualifies both as "completely free" and "production-quality".
这篇关于MySQL/InnoDB 是否实现了真正的可序列化隔离?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!