

本文介绍了本地SQL Server数据库和Azure SQL数据库之间的两种同步方式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要执行两次从本地到Azure SQL数据库的数据同步,反之亦然.

I need to perform two syncing of data from on-premise to Azure SQL database and vice versa.

我有一个本地数据库,许多应用程序或系统都使用该数据库.我已通过使用事务复制将数据库移至Azure SQL,但不能使所有系统都使用Azure SQL数据库.

I have a database on premises which is used by many applications or systems. I've moved the database to Azure SQL by using transaction replication but I can't make all the systems to use Azure SQL database.

现在,很少有系统会使用内部SQL Server数据库并在其之上执行CRUD操作,很少有系统会使用Azure SQL DB并在其之上执行CRUD操作.

Now, few systems would be consuming the on premise SQL Server database and performing CRUD operations on top of it and few systems would be using Azure SQL DB and performing CRUD operation on top of it.


I need both the databases in sync.


What is the best way to achieve this?


要在Azure SQL数据库和本地数据库之间进行真正的双向同步,需要设置合并复制.不过,Azure SQL数据库中不支持该功能.

To do a true two-way sync between Azure SQL Database and an on-premises database, you need to set up merge replication. That is not supported in Azure SQL Database though.

您的下一个选择是构建自己的流程来处理此问题. Microsoft帖子可能会有所帮助.

Your next alternative is to build your own process to handle this. This Microsoft post might help some.

之后,您正在考虑购买第三方工具或服务.有 Zumero ,该服务在Azure上提供.可能还有其他人,但我找不到它们.

After that, you're looking at purchasing a third party tool or service. There is Zumero, which has a service on Azure. There may be others, but I can't find them.

坦率地说,我不会这样做.如果这是数据管理的首选位置,我将花费必要的时间和精力来使每个人都连接到Azure SQL数据库.任何其他方法都可能代价高昂且容易出错.

Frankly, I wouldn't do it. I'd spend the necessary time and effort to get everyone connected to the Azure SQL Database if that's the preferred location for data management. Any other approach is likely to be costly and error prone.

这篇关于本地SQL Server数据库和Azure SQL数据库之间的两种同步方式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 22:49