我有一个很长的列表,包含18150条记录,其中包含节,批和&空间(所有字段都已编入索引).我创建了几个视图,以按部分的各个分组(即A-I,J-O,OC,P-Q,S-Z)过滤列表. OC部分有自己的 视图,因为它几乎包含5,000条记录.这些都是有效的,因为它们仅在一个字段(节)上进行过滤.我的问题是与节R.它本身包含近6,000条记录.因此,我计划为R创建多个视图 在批次上过滤. R视图都没有起作用,我认为这是因为它在两个视图上进行过滤不同列.所有R个视图都显示阈值限制消息.
I have a very long list 18,150 records that contain section, lot, & space (all of the fields are indexed). I have created several views that filter the list by various groupings of section (i.e. A - I, J - O, OC, P - Q, S - Z). Section OC got its own view because it almost contains 5,000 records. These are all working because they only filter on one field, the section. My problem is with section R. By itself, it contains almost 6,000 records. So, I planned to create a several views for R that will also filter on Lot. None of the R views have worked and I think it is because it is filtering on twodifferent columns. All of the R views present the threshold limit message.
Examples of my failed filters.
视图1)区域="R" &&批次< = 400
View 1) Section = "R" && Lot <=400
视图2)区域="R" &&地段= 1
View 2) Section = "R" && Lot = 1
视图3)Section ="R" &&地段= 1&&空格= 1
View 3) Section = "R" && Lot = 1 && Space = 1
Check your field types and make sure you set the right filter.