Given a database system which deals with Staff, Customers and Suppliers, all of which have multiple possible phone numbers, how would you go about storing these numbers in a nice normalised way? I have a had a little think about and the logical way isn't jumping out at me.
- 员工"总是描述人.
- 有些客户是人.
- 有些客户是企业(组织).
- 供应商"通常(总是?)组织.
- 员工也可以是客户.
- 供应商也可以是客户.
There are serious problems with having separate tables of staff phone numbers, supplier phone numbers, and customer phone numbers.
- 员工可以是客户.如果一个工作人员电话号码变了,有客户吗电话号码也需要更新吗?你怎么知道要更新哪一个?
- 供应商可以是客户.如果一个供应商的电话号码发生变化,客户是否电话号码也需要更新吗?你怎么知道要更新哪一个?
- 你必须无误地复制和维护约束对于每张表中的电话号码存储电话号码.
- 同样的问题出现在客户的电话号码更改.现在你必须检查一下员工和供应商电话号码也需要更新.
- 回答谁的电话号码是 123-456-7890?",你必须查看n"个不同的表,其中'n' 是不同的数量你打交道的种类"政党.在除了员工、客户和供应商,认为承包商的电话"、潜在客户的电话"等
- Staff can be customers. If a staffphone number changes, does a customerphone number also need to be updated? How do you know which one to update?
- Suppliers can be customers. If asupplier's phone number changes, does a customerphone number also need to be updated? How do you know which one to update?
- You have to duplicate and maintain without error the constraintsfor phone numbers in every table thatstores phone numbers.
- The same problems arise when acustomer's phone number changes. Nowyou have to check to see whetherstaff and supplier phone numbersalso need to be updated.
- To answer the question "Whose phonenumber is 123-456-7890?", you have tolook in 'n' different tables, where'n' is the number of different"kinds" of parties you deal with. Inaddition to staff, customers, andsuppliers, think "contractor'sphones", "prospect's phones", etc.
您需要实现一个超类型/子类型架构.(PostgreSQL 代码,未经严格测试.)
You need to implement a supertype/subtype schema. (PostgreSQL code, not rigorously tested.)
create table parties (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type char(1) check (party_type in ('I', 'O')),
party_name varchar(10) not null unique,
primary key (party_id, party_type)
insert into parties values (1,'I', 'Mike');
insert into parties values (2,'I', 'Sherry');
insert into parties values (3,'O', 'Vandelay');
-- For "persons", a subtype of "parties"
create table person_st (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type char(1) not null default 'I' check (party_type = 'I'),
height_inches integer not null check (height_inches between 24 and 108),
primary key (party_id),
foreign key (party_id, party_type) references parties (party_id, party_type) on delete cascade
insert into person_st values (1, 'I', 72);
insert into person_st values (2, 'I', 60);
-- For "organizations", a subtype of "parties"
create table organization_st (
party_id integer not null unique,
party_type CHAR(1) not null default 'O' check (party_type = 'O'),
ein CHAR(10), -- In US, federal Employer Identification Number
primary key (party_id),
foreign key (party_id, party_type) references parties (party_id, party_type) on delete cascade
insert into organization_st values (3, 'O', '00-0000000');
create table phones (
party_id integer references parties (party_id) on delete cascade,
-- Whatever you prefer to distinguish one kind of phone usage from another.
-- I'll just use a simple 'phone_type' here, for work, home, emergency,
-- business, and mobile.
phone_type char(1) not null default 'w' check
(phone_type in ('w', 'h', 'e', 'b', 'm')),
-- Phone numbers in the USA are 10 chars. YMMV.
phone_number char(10) not null check (phone_number ~ '[0-9]{10}'),
primary key (party_id, phone_type)
insert into phones values (1, 'h', '0000000000');
insert into phones values (1, 'm', '0000000001');
insert into phones values (3, 'h', '0000000002');
-- Do what you need to do on your platform--triggers, rules, whatever--to make
-- these views updatable. Client code uses the views, not the base tables.
-- In current versions of PostgreSQL, I think you'd create some "instead
-- of" rules.
create view people as
select t1.party_id, t1.party_name, t2.height_inches
from parties t1
inner join person_st t2 on (t1.party_id = t2.party_id);
create view organizations as
select t1.party_id, t1.party_name, t2.ein
from parties t1
inner join organization_st t2 on (t1.party_id = t2.party_id);
create view phone_book as
select t1.party_id, t1.party_name, t2.phone_type, t2.phone_number
from parties t1
inner join phones t2 on (t1.party_id = t2.party_id);
为了进一步扩展这一点,实现staff"的表需要引用 person 子类型,而不是 party 超类型.组织不能有员工.
To stretch this out a little further, a table to implement "staff" needs to reference the person subtype, not the party supertype. Organizations can't be on staff.
create table staff (
party_id integer primary key references person_st (party_id) on delete cascade,
employee_number char(10) not null unique,
first_hire_date date not null default CURRENT_DATE
If suppliers can only be organizations, not individuals, then a table implementing suppliers would reference the organizations subtype in a similar way.
For most companies, a customer can be either a person or an organization, so a table implementing customers should reference the supertype.
create table customers (
party_id integer primary key references parties (party_id) on delete cascade
-- Other attributes of customers
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