


Why does the following code compile:

template<typename T>
void foo(T in) { bar(in); }

struct type{};
void bar(type) {}
int main() { foo(type()); }


template<typename T>
void foo(T in) { bar(in); }

void bar(int) {}
int main() { foo(42); }

使用GnuC ++ 7进行编译:

Compiling with GnuC++ 7:

a.cpp: In instantiation of 'void foo(T) [with T = int]':
a.cpp:9:20:   required from here
a.cpp:2:21: error: 'bar' was not declared in this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at the point of instantiation [-fpermissive]
 void foo(T in) { bar(in); }
a.cpp:8:6: note: 'void bar(int)' declared here, later in the translation unit void bar(int) {}


I would assume that MSVC would compile both (as it does) but that GCC would reject both since GCC/Clang have proper two phase name lookup...



The strange part is not that the int example fails to compile, it is that the type example does since bar is defined after foo. This is due to [temp.dep.candidate] (see third paragraph).


When the compiler parses and compiles a template class or function, it looks up identifiers in two pass:

  • 模板参数独立名称查找:可以检查所有不依赖模板参数的内容.在这里,由于bar()取决于模板参数,因此什么也没做.查找是在定义时完成的.
  • 依赖模板参数的名称查找:现在可以通过通行证#1查找所有内容.查找是在实例化时完成的.
  • Template argument independent name lookup: everything that does not depend on the template arguments can be checked. Here, since bar() depends on a template argument, nothing is done. This lookup is done at the point of definition.
  • Template argument dependent name lookup: everything that could not be looked up in pass #1 is now possible. This lookup is done at the point of instantiation.


You get an error during pass #2.


When a function name is looked up, it is done within the current context and those of the parameters type. For instance, the following code is valid though f is defined in namespace n:

namespace n { struct type {}; void f(type) {}; }
int main() { n::type t; f(t); } // f is found in ::n because type of t is in ::n




Two-pass compilation, ADL lookup and unqualified-id lookup

In your case, those three mechanisms collide. See [temp.dep.candidate]:

foo(42)42为基本类型,不考虑ADL,而仅考虑定义上下文" .

So, with foo(type()) unqualified-id lookup kicks in and the lookup is done "in either the template definition context or the template instantiation".
With foo(42), 42 being a fundamental type, ADL is not considered and only the "definition context" is considered.


08-21 12:50