If we have a source control branch that we use to stop features and bug test (including additional commits on this branch to fix said bugs), what should it be called?
我的想法是,这样的分支将被称为发布",并且使用候选"一词意味着它是不可变的.您可以有候选项1和候选项2,但是这些特定的候选项永远都不会改变. IE.候选人1没有任何提交,将以任何方式对其进行修改.
My thoughts are that such a branch would be called "Release" and that using the word "candidate" implies it is immutable. You can have candidate 1 and candidate 2, but those specific candidates should never change; ie. candidate 1 wouldn't have any commits, that would modify it in any way.
Links or examples would be great, as the person I was discussing this with is very hard headed.
Related question: Is there any specification for promoting a release candidate? (covers how finished RC can be considered)
It can still be considered as a final integration step (and in that, "not immutable"):
- 集成了批准用于下一版本的功能.
- 修复在集成测试(SIT-系统集成测试和UAT,用户验收测试)后出现的错误
您可以认为"RC"更加稳定 ,但您仍然可以修复显示阻止程序错误.
从这个意义上讲,您将不会同时拥有候选人1"和候选人2". RC通常是顺序.
You can consider "RC" as being even more stable that I just described, but you could still fix show-stopper bugs.
In that sense, you wouldn't have "candidate 1" and "candidate 2" (simultaneously). RCs are usually sequential.
Then, a "Release" branch is for post-production (hot-fixes, and release maintenance).
It freezes the sate of the application when going into production, and uses that at a starting point to maintain what is into production.
- 分支不是一成不变的:它们隔离了开发开发生命周期中的努力.
应该期望您添加提交.在任何分支机构中. - 标记(或标签"或基准"或...)是不可变的:它们会在某个时间点冻结代码的特定状态
- branches aren't immutable: they isolate a development effort in the development lifecycle.
You should be expected to add commits. In any branch. - Tags (or "label", or "baseline", or...) are immutable: they freeze a specific state of the code at a point in time.