


I am interested in the Cholesky decomposition of large sparse matrices. The problem I'm having is that the Cholesky factors are not necessarily sparse (just like the product of two sparse matrices is not necessarily sparse).


For example for a matrix with non-zeros only along the first row, first column, and diagonal the Cholesky factors have 100% fill-in (the lower and upper triangles are 100% dense). In the image below the gray is non zero and the white is zero.

一个解决方案,我知道是要找到一个置换的 P 的基质和做的Cholesky分解的 P AP 的。例如具有相同的基质通过将置换矩阵而移动的第一行到最后一行和第一列到最后一列的乔列斯基因素是稀疏

One solution I'm aware is to find a permutation P matrix and do the Cholesky decomposition of PAP. For example with the same matrix by applying a permutation matrix which moves the first row to the last row and the first column to the last column the Cholesky factors are sparse.

我的问题是如何确定的 P 的一般?

My question is how to determine P in general?

要获取的 A 的的Cholesky分解的不同的想法和 P AP 的距离更逼真的矩阵看下面的图片。我把所有的这些图片来自 HTTP://www.seas.ucla。埃杜/〜vandenbe / 103 /讲座/ chol.pdf

To get an idea of the difference of the Cholesky decomposition of A and PAP from a more realistic matrix see the image below. I took all these images from http://www.seas.ucla.edu/~vandenbe/103/lectures/chol.pdf


许多启发式方法(即不包括),选择好存在  置换矩阵P中。

我想知道其中的一些方法(code在C,C ++甚至Java将是理想的)。

I would like to know what some of these methods are (code in C, C++, or even Java would be ideal).



The problem of finding an optimal permutation of rows and columns of a matrix for a minimum fill-in matrix-factorization is not a trivial trask (as pointed out in the comments). Thus, heuristic algorithms are used in praxis.

有实现启发式重新编号/订货战略,往往是基于图的算法为邻接图的矩阵的一些库。人们试图降低对应的邻接矩阵的带宽。一个易于实现algroithms是 Cuthill - 麦基算法或最低-度排序算法。更多关于这个问题可以在书萨阿德优素福中找到:迭代方法稀疏线性系统(2003),在其他许多人。

There are some libraries that implement heuristic renumbering/ordering-strategies, often based on graph-algorithms for the adjacency-graph of your matrix. One tries to reduce the bandwidth of the corresponding adjacency-matrix. An easy to implement algroithms is the Cuthill-McKee Algorithm or the Minimum-Degree Ordering algorithm. More about this problem can be found in the Book Yousef Saad: Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems (2003), upon many others.


Many libraries implement heuristic algorithms, like

  • Suitesparse 直接求解器largse稀疏线性系统库的集合。订购的图书馆AMD,CAMD,COLAMD和CCOLAMD实现的方法
  • (杆)梅蒂斯一个用于图形分区图书馆,但提供矩阵重排序算法,以及
  • Boost.Graph 对邻接图直接工作并提供了一​​些排序算法,如提及Cuthill - 麦基和最小-度排序
  • (PT-)苏格兰以图分区和稀疏矩阵重新排序
  • Suitesparse A collection of libraries for direct solvers for largse sparse linear systems. Ordering methods implemented in the libraries AMD, CAMD, COLAMD, and CCOLAMD
  • (Par-)Metis A library for Graph-partitioning, but provides Matrix reordering algorithms as well
  • Boost.Graph Working on the adjacency graph directly and provides some ordering algorithms, like the mentioned Cuthill-McKee, and Minimum-Degree Ordering
  • (PT-)Scotch for Graph-partitioning and sparse-matrix reordering


Some of these libraries provide also sparse Cholesky factorization methods and can be used directly.


08-20 10:45