


Let's say I have two threads, T1 and T2.


Thread T1 makes a blocking write() call on a TCP socket S to send a large buffer of bytes B1. The buffer of bytes B1 is so large that (a) the write call blocks and (b) TCP has to use multiple segments to send the buffer.


Thread T2 also makes a blocking write() call on the same TCP socket S to send some other large buffer of bytes B2.



Does the implementation of TCP on UNIX guarantee that the all bytes of B1 will be sent before all bytes of B2 (or vice versa)?


Or is it possible that TCP interleaves the contents of B1 and B2 (e.g. TCP sends a segment with B1 data, then a segment with B2 data, an then a segment with B1 data again).


PS - I know it is not a good idea to do this. I'm trying to determine whether or not some code which I did not write is correct.



TL; DR:为了编写和调试代码,除非您的目标是生命维持系统,否则假设原子性是安全的.

It Tries

TL;DR: for the purpose of writing and debugging code, it's safe to assume atomicity, unless your target is a life support system.

如果tcp套接字上的send(2)(与write(2)相同)不是原子的,则总是很糟糕.从来没有充分的理由实现非原子写入. Unix和Windows的所有版本都试图保持原子写操作,但是显然很少提供保证.

It is always going to be bad if a send(2) (same as write(2)) on a tcp socket is not atomic. There is never a good reason to implement a non-atomic write. All versions of Unix and Windows attempt to keep the write atomic, but apparently very few provide a guarantee.

已知Linux通常通常" 正确无误,但即使在最近的内核中也存在错误.它确实尝试锁定套接字,但是在某些情况下,内存分配可能会失败,并且写入将被拆分.参见此有关sendmsg 的IBM博客条目,以获取详细信息. [链接已固定.]

Linux is known to "usually" get this right but it has a bug, even in recent kernels. It does attempt to lock the socket but under certain circumstances a memory allocation can fail and a write will be split up. See this IBM blog entry on sendmsg for details. [Link fixed.]


According to those tests, only AIX and Solaris completely passed a thread-stress-test. It is not known if even those systems have failure cases that simply were not uncovered.


08-03 21:51