




The clone() system call on Linux takes a parameter pointing to the stack for the new created thread to use. The obvious way to do this is to simply malloc some space and pass that, but then you have to be sure you've malloc'd as much stack space as that thread will ever use (hard to predict).

我记得在使用pthreads时不必这样做,所以我很好奇它做了什么.我遇到了此站点,其中解释道:"Linux pthreads实现使用的最佳解决方案是使用mmap分配内存,并使用标志指定使用时分配的内存区域,这样,将根据需要为堆栈分配内存,如果系统无法分配其他内存,则会发生分段冲突记忆."

I remembered that when using pthreads I didn't have to do this, so I was curious what it did instead. I came across this site which explains, "The best solution, used by the Linux pthreads implementation, is to use mmap to allocate memory, with flags specifying a region of memory which is allocated as it is used. This way, memory is allocated for the stack as it is needed, and a segmentation violation will occur if the system is unable to allocate additional memory."

我听说过mmap的唯一上下文是将文件映射到内存,并且确实要读取mmap手册页,它需要一个文件描述符.如何将其用于分配动态长度的堆栈以提供给clone()?该网站只是疯狂的吗? ;)

The only context I've ever heard mmap used in is for mapping files into memory, and indeed reading the mmap man page it takes a file descriptor. How can this be used for allocating a stack of dynamic length to give to clone()? Is that site just crazy? ;)


In either case, doesn't the kernel need to know how to find a free bunch of memory for a new stack anyway, since that's something it has to do all the time as the user launches new processes? Why does a stack pointer even need to be specified in the first place if the kernel can already figure this out?



Joseph, in answer to your last question:


When a user creates a "normal" new process, that's done by fork(). In this case, the kernel doesn't have to worry about creating a new stack at all, because the new process is a complete duplicate of the old one, right down to the stack.

如果用户使用exec()替换了当前正在运行的进程,则内核确实需要创建一个新的堆栈-但在这种情况下,这很容易,因为它是从空白开始的. exec()擦除进程的内存空间并重新初始化它,因此内核会说在exec()之后,堆栈始终位于此处".

If the user replaces the currently running process using exec(), then the kernel does need to create a new stack - but in this case that's easy, because it gets to start from a blank slate. exec() wipes out the memory space of the process and reinitialises it, so the kernel gets to say "after exec(), the stack always lives HERE".


If, however, we use clone(), then we can say that the new process will share a memory space with the old process (CLONE_VM). In this situation, the kernel can't leave the stack as it was in the calling process (like fork() does), because then our two processes would be stomping on each other's stack. The kernel also can't just put it in a default location (like exec()) does, because that location is already taken in this memory space. The only solution is to allow the calling process to find a place for it, which is what it does.


08-03 21:50