




Is it possible to insert a row, but only if one of the values already in the table does not exist?


I'm creating a Tell A Friend with referral points for an ecommerce system, where I need to insert the friend's email into the database table, but only if it doesn't already exist in the table. This is because I don't want any more than 1 person getting the referral points once the new customer signs up and purchases something. Therefore I want only one email ever once in the table.

我正在使用PHP 4和MySql 4.1.

I'm using PHP 4 and MySql 4.1.



If the column is a primary key or a unique index:

INSERT INTO table (email) VALUES (email_address) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

知道我的运气,有更好的方法. AFAIK在MySQL中没有等效的"ON DUPLICATE KEY DO NOTHING".我不确定email = email_Address位,您无需指定任何操作就可以尝试一下,看看它是否有效.正如上面有人指出的那样,如果它具有独特的约束条件,则无论如何都不会发生.而且,如果您希望表格中的所有电子邮件地址都是唯一的,则没有理由在列定义中将其指定为唯一.

Knowing my luck there's a better way of doing it though. AFAIK there's no equivalent of "ON DUPLICATE KEY DO NOTHING" in MySQL. I'm not sure about the email=email_Address bit, you could play about and see if it works without you having to specify an action. As someone states above though, if it has unique constraints on it nothing will happen anyway. And if you want all email addresses in a table to be unique there's no reason to specify it as unique in your column definition.


08-03 21:48