




is there a short code trick to check if a session has started and if not then load one? Currently I receive an error "session already started..." if I put in a session start regardless of checking.



isset is generally the proper way to check if predefined variables are currently defined:


您通常可以通过下面的代码来摆脱它的诱惑,但是要注意,如果由于某种原因禁用了会话,session_start()仍然会被调用,这可能导致错误和不必要的调试,因为$ _SESSION数组不允许创建.

you can usually get away with and its tempting just doing the code below, but be aware that if for some reason sessions are disabled, session_start() will still be called which could end up leading to errors and needless debugging since the $_SESSION array isn't allowed to be created.



if you want to account for checking to see if sessions are disabled for some reason, you can supress the error message, set a test session variable, and then verify it was set. If its not, you can code in a reaction for disabled sessions. You'll want to do all this at or near the start of your script. So as an example(works differently depending on error handling setting):

$_SESSION['valid'] = 'valid';
if($_SESSION['valid'] != 'valid')
   //handle disabled sessions


您可以使用 session_status()函数,这是一个更好的选择,因为它可以解决会话问题被禁用,并检查会话是否已经存在.

You can use the session_status() function, a better option as it accounts for sessions being disabled and checks if a session already exists.

if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE){session_start();}

请注意, PHP_SESSION_NONE 是PHP设置的常量,因此不需要用引号引起来.它的计算结果为整数1,但它是专门为消除幻数而设置的常数,最好针对该常数进行测试.

NOTE that PHP_SESSION_NONE is a constant set by PHP and therefore does not need to be wrapped in quotes. It evaluates to integer 1, but as its a constant that was specifically set to eliminate the need for magic numbers, best to test against the constant.


08-03 21:47