



我想使用Java 1.6和AtomicLongArray将原始的AtomicLongArray复制到一个新的AtomicLongArray中.有一个构造函数需要一个数组(AtomicLongArray(long [])),所以我想我可以从原始数组中获取该数组并将其提供给构造函数.

Using Java 1.6 and the AtomicLongArray, I'd like to "copy" the original AtomicLongArray into a new one. There is a constructor that takes an array (AtomicLongArray(long[])), so I thought I could just get the array from the original one and give it to the constructor.

遗憾的是,AtomicLongArray中的实际long []是私有的,似乎没有吸气剂.有什么方法可以做到,这意味着将值从一个AtomicLongArray复制到另一个?我无法基于该类创建自己的类,因为sun.misc.Unsafe类对我不可用.

Sadly, the actual long[] in the AtomicLongArray is private and there seem to be no getters for it. Is there any way to do this, meaning copy the values from one AtomicLongArray to another? I can't create my own class based on this class, as the sun.misc.Unsafe class is not available to me.


This is needed because I'm going to iterate over the values, and I don't want them modified by another thread during iteration. So I thought I could make a copy and use that for the iteration...




I suspect you have to create your own long[] and populate it first, or just iterate over the original:

AtomicLongArray copy = new AtomicLongArray(original.length());
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length(); i++)
    copy.set(i, original.get(i));

请注意,尽管AtomicLongArray中的每个单独操作都是原子操作,但没有 批量操作-因此无法在时间T上获取整个数组的快照".这种行为,我相信您需要使用同步.

Note that although each individual operation in AtomicLongArray is atomic, there are no bulk operations - so there's no way of getting a "snapshot" of the whole array at time T. If you want that sort of behaviour, I believe you'll need to use synchronization.


08-03 21:22