


 (?: \< a [^ *] href =(http:/ /[^\"]+?|[^\"]+?\.pdf)\"+?[^>]*?)> 




 < a href =http:// blabla> omg< / a> 
< a href =blabla> omg< / a>
< a href =http://blabla.pdf> omg< / a>
< a href =/ blabla.pdf> omg< / a>


 < a href =http:// blabla> 


 < a href =http:// blabla(&)



 (?: \< a [^ *] href =http:// [^] ++ [^>] *)(> ;)


解决方案 大多数正则表达式风格允许您使用来抽取整个匹配的特定部分。整体比赛通常被称为第零个擒拿组,但这仅仅是一种调整方式。)

这听起来像是你想匹配一个整体< A> 标记,但只消耗最后的> 。这在大多数正则表达式中是不可能的,包括JavaScript但是如果您使用的是Perl或PHP,您可以使用 \ K 来欺骗匹配开始位置:

 < a\s + [^>] + HREF = HTTP:// [^(Ⅰ')?] +[^>] * \K> 


 (?i)(?] +?href = HTTP:// [^ ] +[^>] *)> 


I have this regex


The point of this regex is to capture every closing tag ('>') of an anchor that has an href that starts with "http://" or ends with ".pdf".

The regex works, however it is capturing the first part of the anchor, which I absolutely need to NOT capture.

In the following samples all are matching except second (which is fine) but only the last bracket should be captured and it is not the case.

<a href="http://blabla">omg</a>
<a href="blabla">omg</a>
<a href="http://blabla.pdf">omg</a>
<a href="/blabla.pdf">omg</a>

For example: If we take the first match which is :

<a href="http://blabla">

I only want to capture the last bracket (the one I surounded with parenthesis) :

<a href="http://blabla"(>)

So why the non-capturing group is capturing? And how can I only grab the last bracket of the anchor

Even if I streamline my regex to the following, it still doesnt work


Thank you,


You're conflating two distinct concepts: capturing and consuming. Regexes normally consume whatever they match; that's just how they work. Additionally, most regex flavors let you use capturing groups to pluck out specific parts of the overall match. (The overall match is often referred to as the zero'th capturing group, but that's just a figure of speech.)

It sounds like you're trying to match a whole <A> tag, but only consume the final >. That's not possible in most regex flavors, JavaScript included. But if you're using Perl or PHP, you could use \K to spoof the match start position:


And in .NET you could use a lookbehind (which, like a lookahead, matches without consuming):


Of the other flavors that support lookbehinds, most place restrictions on them that render them unusable for this task.


08-14 21:57