Android Plugin for Gradle 为每个 BuilType/Flavor/BuildVariant 生成一个任务.问题是这个任务是动态生成的,因此在定义这样的任务时不能作为依赖项使用:
Android Plugin for Gradle generates for every BuilType/Flavor/BuildVariant a task. The problem is that this task will be generated dynamically and thus won't be available as a dependency when defining a task like this:
task myTaskOnlyForDebugBuildType(dependsOn:assembleDebug) {
//do smth
A proposed workaround from this answer would be this
task myTaskOnlyForDebugBuildType(dependsOn:"assembleDebug") {
//do smth
afterEvaluate {
task myTaskOnlyForDebugBuildType(dependsOn:assembleDebug) {
//do smth
这里有一个完整的例子说明如何做到这一点受这篇文章启发: (当时的android插件v.0.9.2和gradle 1.11写作)
We are going to define a task that only runs when we build a "debugCustomBuildType"
android {
buildTypes {
debugCustomBuildType {
定义只应在特定的builtType/variant/flavor 上执行的任务
Define the task that should only be executed on a specific builtType/variant/flavor
task doSomethingOnWhenBuildDebugCustom {
doLast {
//task action
Dynamically set the dependency when the tasks are added by gradle
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if (task.name == 'generateDebugCustomBuildTypeBuildConfig') {
task.dependsOn doSomethingOnWhenBuildDebugCustom
Here we use the "generateBuildConfig" task, but you can use any task that works for you (also see official docs)
- 流程清单
- aidl编译
- renderscriptCompile
- 合并资源.
- 合并资产
- 处理资源
- 生成构建配置
- java编译
- 处理Java资源
- 组装
别忘了使用 buildTypeSpecific 任务(generateBuildConfig
vs. generateDebugCustomBuildTypeBuildConfig
Don't forget to use the buildTypeSpecific task (generateBuildConfig
vs. generateDebugCustomBuildTypeBuildConfig
And that's it. It's a shame this workaround isn't well documented because for me this seems like one of the simplest requirements for a build script.
这篇关于在 Android/Gradle 中如何定义仅在构建特定 buildType/buildVariant/productFlavor (v0.10+) 时运行的任务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!