

本文介绍了如何重用 Angular 测试文件中的所有导入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设我有一个简单的模块 AppModule,它有许多导入、声明和提供程序.现在我想为位于该模块声明列表中的组件 ListComponent 编写一个测试.ListComponent 本身使用了许多(但不是所有)AppModule 的导入.我是这样做的:

Lets say I have a simple module AppModule which has many imports, declarations and providers. Now I want to write a test for a component ListComponent which is located in this module's declaration list. ListComponent itself uses many, (but not every) import of the AppModule. I do it like this:

import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
// +same copy-pasted list of imports from `AppModule`

beforeEach(done => {
        imports: [
            // +same copy-pasted list of imports from `AppModule`
        declarations: [
            // +same copy-pasted list of declarations from `AppModule`
        providers: [
                provide: Http,
                useClass: HttpMock,
                provide: Router,
                useClass: RouterMock,
            // +same copy-pasted list of providers from `AppModule`

它有效,但肯定是一种不正确的方法.我不想复制粘贴那么多.也许我可以用一些方便的方法重用 AppModule?伪代码如下:

It works, but surely it is an incorrect approach. I do not want to copy-paste so much. Maybe I can reuse the AppModule in some convenient approach? Pseudocode would be like:

let appModule = new AppModule();

beforeEach(done => {
        imports: appModule.imports,
        declarations: appModule.declarations,
        providers: [...appModule.providers,
                provide: Http,
                useClass: HttpMock,
                provide: Router,
                useClass: RouterMock,


But I just do not know/cannot find the syntax for such approach :(



You can create reusable const that contains the commom imports, providers from the modules you want.

例如在 app.providers.ts 文件中,您可以像这样拥有您的提供者:

for example in a app.providers.ts file you can have your providers like this:

import service1 from '.path/service/service1';
import service2 from '.path/service/service2';

export const providers = [service1, service2 ];

以及您在 app.imports.ts 中的导入

and for your imports in a app.imports.ts

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { Module1} from ''.path/service/module1';

export const imports= [

并且在您的 app.module.ts 和任何其他模块上,您可以使用相同的导入和提供程序:

and on your app.module.ts and any other module you wanna use the same imports and providers you can do:

import { providers } from './app.providers';
import { imports } from './app.imports';
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: imports,
    providers: providers,
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]


You can also use the spread operator to add your unique imports to these shared imports on a specific module.

这篇关于如何重用 Angular 测试文件中的所有导入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 20:16