So, I recently started experimentation with coroutines, I switched from Rxjava2 to coroutines, I haven't got a grasp of it yet but still, I ran into a condition where I needed to observe my database change and update the UI corresponding to that.
RxJava used to provide me with Flowables, Completeable etc. using that I would be able to observe changes in Db.
abstract fun insert(data: SomeData): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract fun getData(): Flowable<List<SomeData>>
So here now I used to subscribe to getData and always used to observe changes
Now Enter coroutines, I am using a suspended function with a deferred result to return my responses
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
abstract fun insert(data: SomeData): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
abstract fun getData(): List<SomeData>
suspend fun getAllSomeData():Deferred<List<SomeData>>{
return GlobalScope.async (context= coroutineContext){
Now I have no way to listen for updates, Channels in coroutines might be the right answer? but I am not sure how to use it with Room.
使用 Room 2.2.0流程和 kotlin协程.它有争议,但我不喜欢 LiveData ,因为它可以在UI线程上为您提供结果.如果必须执行任何数据解析,则必须将所有内容推回另一个IO线程.与直接使用频道相比,它还更干净,因为每次您想收听事件时都必须执行额外的 openSubscription().consumeEach {..} 呼叫.
Use Room 2.2.0 Flows and kotlin coroutines. It's contentious but I dislike LiveData as it gives you results on the UI thread. If you have to do any data parsing you'll have to push everything back to another IO thread. It's also cleaner than using channels directly as you have to do extra openSubscription().consumeEach { .. } calls every time you want to listen to events.
// this version uses coroutines and flows in their non-experimental version
interface MyDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM somedata_table")
fun getData(): Flow<List<SomeData>>
launch {
dao.getData().collect { data ->
//handle data here
如果您的调用类本身不是 CoroutineScope ,则必须在上下文上下文中调用launch.可以是 GlobalScope 或您创建的其他一些类.
if your calling class is not itself a CoroutineScope you'd have to call launch with the context of something that is. That can be GlobalScope or some other class you create.
GlobalScope.launch {
dao.getData().collect { data ->
//handle data here
收集 lambda会像在Rx onNext 调用中一样,接收到表中的每个udpate.
the collect lambda will receive every udpate to the table much like an Rx onNext call.