我的应用崩溃了,因为我没有正确处理迁移. 我正在寻找一种解决方案来迁移表中1列的名称.
My app is crashing because I am not handling migration properly. I'm looking for a solution to migrate the name of 1 column in my table.
在我的项目中,我有一个名为" content "的房间表,该房间表带有 Double 属性" archivedCount ".在最新版本的应用程序中,属性 archivedCount 属性仍重命名为 dismissCount ,仍为 Double.
In my project I a have a room table named 'content' with a Double attribute 'archivedCount'. In the latest version of the app the attribute archivedCount attribute is re-named to dismissCount, still as type Double.
@Entity(tableName = "content")
data class Content(@PrimaryKey var id: String, var archiveCount: Double) : Parcelable {...}
@Entity(tableName = "content")
data class Content(@PrimaryKey var id: String, var dismissCount: Double) : Parcelable {...}
在阅读Google Developer Advocate的说明了解Room的迁移后,我尝试了在帖子的具有复杂模式更改的迁移部分中概述的解决方案,该方法需要制作原始表的副本,删除旧表,然后重命名新创建的表.
Attempted Solution
After reading a Google Developer Advocate's explanation Understanding migrations with Room, I attempted her solution outlined in the post's section Migrations with complex schema changes which entails making a copy of the original table, deleting the old table, then renaming the newly created table.
使用下面的以下方法,在此行上出现运行时错误:database.execSQL("INSERT INTO content_new (id, dismissCount) SELECT id, archiveCount FROM users");
With the following approach below there is a runtime error on this line: database.execSQL("INSERT INTO content_new (id, dismissCount) SELECT id, archiveCount FROM users");
because I already cleared my app's cache so the old table no longer exists.
static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) {
public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {
// Create the new table
"CREATE TABLE content_new (id TEXT, dismissCount REAL, PRIMARY KEY(id))");
// Copy the data
database.execSQL("INSERT INTO content_new (id, dismissCount) SELECT id, archiveCount FROM users");
// Remove the old table
database.execSQL("DROP TABLE content");
// Change the table name to the correct one
database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE content_new RENAME TO content");
借助@TimBiegeleisen的指导,我们发现 Android的实现用于 API 27 和 28 的SQLite 3.19 尚未升级到版本 3.25 的SQLite,该版本允许 StackOverflow帖子.
这篇关于Android Room:如何迁移列重命名?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!