




    if True a = 1  #It's missing a colon So it's a SyntaxError!!!!!!!
except SyntaxError:
    print 'hey'

你会期望它打印 hey 然而,它引发了一个 SyntaxError ,我想避免的同样的错误。所有可以使用 try-except 块来处理所有异常?如果 SyntaxError 是一个例外,为什么它包含在?最后我如何修复上面的代码,以便正确处理异常?

You'd expect it to print hey However It raises a SyntaxError, The same error I'm trying to avoid. So Can all Exceptions be handled using a try-except block? Well If SyntaxError's were an exception why is it included in the built-in exceptions? and finally how can I fix the above piece of code so that it handles the exception properly?



SyntaxError 一个非常普通的内置异常。这不是特别的。只有当它(通常)被抛出的情况有点不寻常。

SyntaxError is a perfectly ordinary built-in exception. It is not special in any way. Only the circumstances of when it's (usually) thrown are a bit unusual.

语法错误意味着不能解析具有错误的代码 。它甚至没有开始是一个有效的程序,因此它不能被执行。因此,程序运行之前,语法错误异常被引发,因此无法从程序中捕获。

A syntax error means that the code featuring said error cannot be parsed. It doesn't even begin to be a valid program, hence it cannot be executed. Therefore SyntaxError exceptions are raised before the program is run, and hence can't be caught from within the program.


More specifically, this exception is raised by the parser. Because the parser runs fully before the code is executed, rather then interleaved with it, a program can't catch its own syntax errors.

解析器本身只是另一个程序虽然:调用解析器的代码可以像其他异常一样捕获 SyntaxError ,因为它像其他异常一样 。 调用解析器的示例包括:

The parser itself is just another program though: Code invoking the parser can catch SyntaxErrors like every other exception (because it is like every other exception). Examples of "invoking the parser" include:

  • 编译 exec eval

  • import 语句

  • 模块中的几个函数,如 ast tokenizer parser 等。

  • compile, exec, eval
  • import statements
  • Several functions in modules like ast, tokenizer, parser, etc.


08-03 19:57