



我想使用Assimp将模型加载到D3D中。我想了解更多有关Assimp如何处理索引的信息,因为我无法使其以我理解的形式与obj模型一起使用。例如,对于一个面为int / int / int的obj模型,当我遍历面数时:

I would like to load models into D3D using Assimp. I would like to understand more how Assimp handles indices as I am having trouble getting it to work with obj models in a form i understand. For instance, for an obj model with faces as int/int/int, as I iterate through the number of faces:

for (unsigned int x = 0 ; x < paiMesh->mNumFaces ; ++x) {
    const aiFace& Face = paiMesh->mFaces[x];
    assert(Face.mNumIndices == 3);
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k< nidx;k++)//triangle list
    i1 = Face.mIndices[k];

我注意到我的Indices向量似乎只包含数字以递增的顺序,即索引= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ...]。这看起来与实际的obj文件完全不同。所以,谁能告诉我阿辛普在这里做什么。这样可以帮助我了解我的加载代码出了问题的地方

i notice that my Indices vector seems to only contain numbers in an increasing order, i.e., Indices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...]. This looks nothing like the actual obj file. So, can anyone tell me what Assimp is doing here. It would help me understand where my loading code is going wrong



I figured it out. While the above code is correct, I do not correct for the different subsets in a model. Here is my code to load up vertices from Assimp. If you want the full set of classes I use, please leave a note.

                **********File name: MeshLoader03.cpp****************

                #include "stdafx.h"
                #include "MeshLoader03.h"

                bool MeshLoader03::LoadModel(const std::string& a_file, float a_scale,
                    std::vector<Vertex::Basic28>& vertices,
                    std::vector<USHORT>& indices,
                    std::vector<MeshGeometry::Subset>& subsets,
                    std::vector<ModelMaterial>& mats)

                    //check if file exists
                    std::ifstream fin(a_file.c_str());
                        MessageBox(NULL,  TEXT("Couldn't open file: ") , TEXT("ERROR"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
                        return false;

                    //Assign scale
                    m_scale = a_scale;

                    //Assign mesh properties
                    numVertices = 0;
                    numSubsets = 0;
                    numMaterials = 0;
                    numTriangles = 0;

                    //initialize success variable
                    bool Ret = false;

                    //Load mesh
                    Ret = loadMesh(a_file,a_scale, vertices,indices,subsets,mats);

                    return Ret;

                //Load mesh with Assimp
                bool MeshLoader03::loadMesh(const std::string& a_file, float a_scale,
                    std::vector<Vertex::Basic28>& vertices,
                    std::vector<USHORT>& indices,
                    std::vector<MeshGeometry::Subset>& subsets,
                    std::vector<ModelMaterial>& mats)
                    //Assimp importer we are using
                    Assimp::Importer importer;
                    const aiScene* loadedScene = importer.ReadFile( a_file,
                        aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality |
                    //we have NO assimp object
                        OutputDebugString(L"Model failed to load \n");
                        //OutputDebugString( (importer.GetErrorString()).c_str() );
                        return false;
                    {   //we have an assimp object with meshes
                        //Get mesh properties
                        //Extract Faces,Vertices,Subsets,Materials
                        InitMaterials(a_file,loadedScene, numMaterials,  mats);
                        InitVertices(a_file,loadedScene, numVertices,  vertices);
                        InitTriangles(a_file,loadedScene, numTriangles,  indices);
                        return true;
                        else //an assimp object with NO meshes
                            return false;


                //Get mesh properties
                void MeshLoader03::GetMeshProperties(const aiScene* loadedScene)
                    //Get rootNode
                    aiNode* rootNode = loadedScene->mRootNode;

                    numSubsets = loadedScene->mNumMeshes;
                    numMaterials = loadedScene->mNumMaterials;

                    //If only one node
                    if(rootNode->mNumChildren == 0)
                        numVertices = loadedScene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices;
                        numTriangles = loadedScene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces;
                        //For all the children
                        for (size_t i =0 ;i<rootNode->mNumChildren; ++i)

                            //Get child node
                            aiNode* childNode = rootNode->mChildren[i];

                            // Initialize the meshes in the scene one by one
                            for (size_t n=0; n < childNode->mNumMeshes; ++n)
                                //get the mesh
                                const aiMesh* paiMesh = loadedScene->mMeshes[childNode->mMeshes[n]];

                                //Update total vertices and faces
                                numVertices+= paiMesh->mNumVertices;
                                numTriangles+= paiMesh->mNumFaces;


                //Extract subsets
                void MeshLoader03::InitSubsetTable(const std::string& a_file,const aiScene* pScene, UINT numSubsets, std::vector<MeshGeometry::Subset>& subsets)

                    //Get rootNode
                    aiNode* rootNode = pScene->mRootNode;

                    //Counter for vertices and indices
                    unsigned int vertexCounter, faceCounter;

                    //If only one node
                    if(rootNode->mNumChildren == 0)
                        subsets[0].Id = pScene->mMeshes[0]->mMaterialIndex;
                        subsets[0].VertexStart = 0;
                        subsets[0].VertexCount = pScene->mMeshes[0]->mNumVertices;
                        subsets[0].FaceStart = 0;
                        subsets[0].FaceCount = pScene->mMeshes[0]->mNumFaces;
                        unsigned int subsetCounter = 0;
                        vertexCounter = 0; faceCounter = 0;
                        //For all the children
                        for (size_t i =0 ;i<rootNode->mNumChildren; ++i)

                            //Get child node
                            aiNode* childNode = rootNode->mChildren[i];

                            // Initialize the meshes in the scene one by one
                            for (size_t n=0; n < childNode->mNumMeshes; ++n)
                                //get the mesh
                                const aiMesh* paiMesh = pScene->mMeshes[childNode->mMeshes[n]];

                                subsets[subsetCounter].Id = pScene->mMeshes[childNode->mMeshes[n]]->mMaterialIndex;
                                subsets[subsetCounter].VertexStart = vertexCounter;
                                subsets[subsetCounter].VertexCount = paiMesh->mNumVertices;
                                subsets[subsetCounter].FaceStart = faceCounter;
                                subsets[subsetCounter].FaceCount = paiMesh->mNumFaces;
                                //Update total vertices and faces
                                vertexCounter+= paiMesh->mNumVertices;
                                faceCounter+= paiMesh->mNumFaces;
                                //Update counter


                //Extract Vertices
                void MeshLoader03::InitVertices(const std::string& a_file,const aiScene* pScene, UINT numVertices, std::vector<Vertex::Basic28>& vertices)
                    //Get rootNode
                    aiNode* rootNode = pScene->mRootNode;

                    //Counter for vertices and indices
                    unsigned int vertexCounter;

                    //If only one node
                    if(rootNode->mNumChildren == 0)
                        const aiMesh* mesh = pScene->mMeshes[0];
                        for(size_t b = 0;b<mesh->mNumVertices;b++)
                            vertices[b].Pos.x = mesh->mVertices[b].x;
                            vertices[b].Pos.y = mesh->mVertices[b].y;
                            vertices[b].Pos.z = mesh->mVertices[b].z;

                                const aiColor4D pColr = mesh->mColors[0][b];
                                vertices[b].Color.x = pColr.r;
                                vertices[b].Color.y = pColr.g;
                                vertices[b].Color.z = pColr.b;
                                vertices[b].Color.w = pColr.a;
                                vertices[b].Color = XMFLOAT4(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

                        vertexCounter = 0;

                        //For all the children
                        for (size_t i =0 ;i<rootNode->mNumChildren; ++i)

                            //Get child node
                            aiNode* childNode = rootNode->mChildren[i];

                            // Initialize the meshes in the scene one by one
                            for (size_t n=0; n < childNode->mNumMeshes; ++n)
                                //get the mesh
                                const aiMesh* paiMesh = pScene->mMeshes[childNode->mMeshes[n]];

                                for(size_t b = 0;b<paiMesh->mNumVertices;b++)
                                    vertices[vertexCounter].Pos.x = paiMesh->mVertices[b].x;
                                    vertices[vertexCounter].Pos.y = paiMesh->mVertices[b].y;
                                    vertices[vertexCounter].Pos.z = paiMesh->mVertices[b].z;

                                        const aiColor4D pColr = paiMesh->mColors[0][i];
                                        vertices[vertexCounter].Color.x = pColr.r;
                                        vertices[vertexCounter].Color.y = pColr.g;
                                        vertices[vertexCounter].Color.z = pColr.b;
                                        vertices[vertexCounter].Color.w = pColr.a;
                                        vertices[vertexCounter].Color = XMFLOAT4(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);



                //Extract Triangles
                void MeshLoader03::InitTriangles(const std::string& a_file,const aiScene* pScene, UINT numTriangles, std::vector<USHORT>& indices)

                    //Get rootNode
                    aiNode* rootNode = pScene->mRootNode;

                    //Counter for vertices and indices
                    unsigned int indexCounter, indexStart;
                    indexCounter = 0;
                    indexStart = indexCounter;
                    //If only one node
                    if(rootNode->mNumChildren == 0)
                        const aiMesh* mesh = pScene->mMeshes[0];
                        for(size_t b = 0;b<mesh->mNumFaces;b++)
                            indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[0] + indexStart;
                            indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[1] + indexStart;
                            indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[2] + indexStart;

                        indexStart = 0;
                        indexCounter = 0;

                        //For all the children
                        for (size_t i =0 ;i<rootNode->mNumChildren; ++i)

                            //Get child node
                            aiNode* childNode = rootNode->mChildren[i];

                            // Initialize the meshes in the scene one by one
                            for (size_t n=0; n < childNode->mNumMeshes; ++n)
                                //get the mesh
                                const aiMesh* mesh = pScene->mMeshes[childNode->mMeshes[n]];

                                for(size_t b = 0;b<mesh->mNumFaces;b++)
                                    //indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[0] + indexStart;
                                    //indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[1] + indexStart;
                                    //indices[indexCounter++] = mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[2] + indexStart;

                                    indices.push_back(mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[0] + indexStart);
                                    indices.push_back(mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[1] + indexStart);
                                    indices.push_back(mesh->mFaces[b].mIndices[2] + indexStart);
                                indexStart += mesh->mNumVertices;


                /*********************Conversion functions**********************************/
                //AiVector3 to XMFLOAT3
                XMFLOAT3 MeshLoader03::aiVec3ToXMFloat3(const aiVector3D* vector)
                    XMFLOAT3 output;

                    output.x = vector->x;
                    output.y = vector->y;
                    output.z = vector->z;

                    //Send back result
                    return output;

                //AiColor to XMFLOAT4
                    XMFLOAT4 MeshLoader03::aiColorToXMFLOAT4(const aiColor4D* color)
                    XMFLOAT4 output;

                    output.x = color->r;
                    output.y = color->g;
                    output.z = color->b;
                    output.w = color->a;

                    //Send back result
                    return output;


                //AiMatrix to XMFLOAT4X4
                XMFLOAT4X4 MeshLoader03::aiMatrixToXMFloat4x4(const aiMatrix4x4* aiMe)
                    XMFLOAT4X4 output;
                    output._11 = aiMe->a1;
                    output._12 = aiMe->a2;
                    output._13 = aiMe->a3;
                    output._14 = aiMe->a4;

                    output._21 = aiMe->b1;
                    output._22 = aiMe->b2;
                    output._23 = aiMe->b3;
                    output._24 = aiMe->b4;

                    output._31 = aiMe->c1;
                    output._32 = aiMe->c2;
                    output._33 = aiMe->c3;
                    output._34 = aiMe->c4;

                    output._41 = aiMe->d1;
                    output._42 = aiMe->d2;
                    output._43 = aiMe->d3;
                    output._44 = aiMe->d4;

                    return output;

                /****************Scaling Functions: Taken from Assimp**********************/
                // Calculate the boundaries of a given node and all of its children
                // The boundaries are in Worldspace (AABB)
                // piNode Input node
                // p_avOut Receives the min/max boundaries. Must point to 2 vec3s
                // piMatrix Transformation matrix of the graph at this position
                int MeshLoader03::CalculateBounds(aiNode* piNode, aiVector3D* p_avOut,
                    const aiMatrix4x4& piMatrix, const aiScene* pcScene)
                    assert(NULL != piNode);
                    assert(NULL != p_avOut);

                    aiMatrix4x4 mTemp = piNode->mTransformation;
                    const aiMatrix4x4 aiMe = mTemp * piMatrix;

                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < piNode->mNumMeshes;++i)
                        for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pcScene->mMeshes[piNode->mMeshes[i]]->mNumVertices;++a)

                            const aiVector3D pc = pcScene->mMeshes[piNode->mMeshes[i]]->mVertices[a];
                            XMFLOAT3 pc11 = aiVec3ToXMFloat3(&pc);
                            XMFLOAT4X4 aiMe1 = aiMatrixToXMFloat4x4(&aiMe);

                            XMVECTOR pc1 = XMVector3TransformCoord(XMLoadFloat3(&pc11),XMLoadFloat4x4(&aiMe1));

                            p_avOut[0].x = min( p_avOut[0].x, pc1.m128_f32[0]);
                            p_avOut[0].y = min( p_avOut[0].y, pc1.m128_f32[1]);
                            p_avOut[0].z = min( p_avOut[0].z, pc1.m128_f32[2]);
                            p_avOut[1].x = max( p_avOut[1].x, pc1.m128_f32[0]);
                            p_avOut[1].y = max( p_avOut[1].y, pc1.m128_f32[1]);
                            p_avOut[1].z = max( p_avOut[1].z, pc1.m128_f32[2]);
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < piNode->mNumChildren;++i)
                        CalculateBounds( piNode->mChildren[i], p_avOut, aiMe, pcScene);
                    return 1;

                // Scale the asset that it fits perfectly into the viewer window
                // The function calculates the boundaries of the mesh and modifies the
                // global world transformation matrix according to the aset AABB
                int MeshLoader03::ScaleAsset(const aiScene* pcScene)
                    aiVector3D aiVecs[2] = {
                        aiVector3D( 1e10f, 1e10f, 1e10f),
                        aiVector3D( -1e10f, -1e10f, -1e10f) };

                    if (pcScene->mRootNode)
                        aiMatrix4x4 m;
                        CalculateBounds(pcScene->mRootNode,aiVecs,m, pcScene);

                    aiVector3D vDelta = aiVecs[1] -  aiVecs[0];
                    aiVector3D vHalf =  aiVecs[0] + (vDelta / 2.0f);
                    float fScale = 10.0f / vDelta.Length();

                    aiMatrix4x4 g_mWorld =  aiMatrix4x4(
                                            -vHalf.x,-vHalf.y,-vHalf.z,1.0f) *

                    m_World = aiMatrixToXMFloat4x4(&g_mWorld);
                    return 1;


08-03 19:33