


This is a very vague problem, so please feel free to clarify anything about this project.

我正在开发一个非常大的应用程序,最近很令人困惑的bug已经出现在纹理上了。我们正在加载的一些纹理正在加载 - 我已经遍历了代码,它运行 - 但所有OpenGL渲染的纹理是一个奇怪的粉色/白色条纹纹理。

I'm working on a very large application, and recently a very perplexing bug has cropped up regarding the texturing. Some of the textures that we are loading are being loaded - I've stepped through the code, and it runs - but all OpenGL renders for those textures is a weird Pink/White striped texture.


What would you suggest to even begin debugging this situation?

  • 该项目是多线程的,但互斥体确保所有OpenGL调用都不会被其他任何内容中断。

  • 正在加载一些纹理,有些纹理不会被加载。它们都以完全相同的方式加载。

  • 我确保所有纹理都存在

  • 粉红色/白色纹理是绝对加载在内存中 - 在我将任何其他纹理加载到OpenGL后,它们就会变得可见。

  • The project is multithreaded, but a mutex makes sure all OpenGL calls are not interrupted by anything else.
  • Some textures are being loaded, some are not. They're all loaded in the exact same way.
  • I've made sure that all textures exist
  • The "pink/white" textures are definitely loaded in memory - they become visible shortly after I load any other texture into OpenGL.


I'm perplexed, and have no idea what else can be wrong. Is there an OpenGL command that can be called after glTexImage that would force the texture to become useable?


It's not about the commands failing, it's mainly a timing issue. The pink/white textures show up for a while, until more textures are loaded. It's almost as if the textures are queued up, and the queue just pauses at some time.


Next I got the glIntercept log working correctly, and this is what it outputted (before the entire program crashed)


Next I know for a fact the textures are loaded in OpenGL memory, but for some reason they're not rendering in the program themselves.



Check your texture coordinates. If they are set wrong, you can see just one or two texels mapped to entire primitives. Remember, OpenGL is a state machine. Check if you're changing the texture coordinate state at the wrong time. You may be setting the texture coordinates at a later point in your code, then when you get back to redrawing these elements the state is acceptable for mapping your texture to the code.

如果它只是时间问题,其中加载OpenGL调用的纹理不会及时执行,并且您的线程代码正确,请尝试在加载纹理后添加对glFlush()的调用。 glFlush()会导致所有挂起的OpenGL命令执行。

If it is merely a timing issue where the texture loading OpenGL calls aren't executed in time, and your threading code is correct, try adding a call to glFlush() after loading the textures. glFlush() causes all pending OpenGL commands to execute.


08-21 13:17