

本文介绍了屏幕截图并保存为JPG,Actionscript 2.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经创建了一个Flash文件,该文件能够通过单击每个受关注的按钮来创建影片剪辑.我想做的是,在定位所有创建的影片剪辑之后,我想将其保存到JPEG或PNG图像文件中.我创建了一个保存按钮,并将其命名为"save_page_btn".我尝试使用AS 2.0查找教程,但似乎无济于事.我在AS 3.0中没有基本知识.谁能帮助我找到此解决方案.

I have created a flash file which capable of creating movie clips by clicking each of respected buttons. What I want to do is, after I positioning all of these movie clips created, I would like to save it into JPEG or PNG image file. I have created a save button and named it "save_page_btn". I tried to find tutorial using AS 2.0 but it is seems to no avail. I have no basic in AS 3.0. Can anyone help me to find this solution.



ActionScript 2:

对于ActionScript 2,您必须使用服务器端脚本(例如我在.

For ActionScript 2, you have to save your image using a server side script, like a PHP script which I used in my answer for this question.

ActionScript 3:

对于ActionScript 3,事情变得更加简单,因为 FileReference 使我们能够将文件直接保存到我们的计算机中.

For ActionScript 3, things are more easy because FileReference give us the ability to save a file directly to our machine.

因此,您需要将图像另存为jpg或png文件,可以使用中包含的 JPGEncoder PNGEncoder href ="https://github.com/mikechambers/as3corelib" rel ="nofollow noreferrer"> as3corelib 库.您可以从此处下载它,然后将其包含在项目中:文件>ActionScript设置...>库路径,然后按浏览到SWC文件标签,然后选择as3corelib.swc下载的文件.然后您可以这样做:

So for you case, you want to save your image as a jpg or a png file, which you can do using the JPGEncoder and PNGEncoder included in the as3corelib library. You can download it from here and then include it in your project from : File > ActionScript Settings ... > Library Path and then press the Browse to SWC file tab and select your as3corelib.swc downloaded file. Then you can do like this :

// in my stage, I have 2 buttons : btn_save_jpg and btn_save_png, and a MovieClip : movie_clip

import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;

btn_save_jpg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, save_img);
btn_save_png.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, save_img);

function save_img(e:MouseEvent):void {

    // verify which button is pressed using its name
    var is_jpg:Boolean = (e.currentTarget.name).substr(-3, 3) == 'jpg';
    // you can also write it : var is_jpg:Boolean = e.currentTarget === btn_save_jpg;

    // create our BitmapData and draw within our movie_clip MovieClip
    var bmd_src:BitmapData = new BitmapData(movie_clip.width, movie_clip.height)

        // if it's the btn_save_jpg button which is pressed, so create our JPGEncoder instance
        // for the btn_save_png button, we don't need to create an instance of PNGEncoder
        // because PNGEncoder.encode is a static function so we can call it directly : PNGEncoder.encode()
        var encoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(90);
        // 90 is the quality of our jpg, 0 is the worst and 100 is the best

    // get encoded BitmapData as a ByteArray
    var stream:ByteArray = is_jpg ? encoder.encode(bmd_src) : PNGEncoder.encode(bmd_src);

    // open the save dialog to save our image
    var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
        file.save(stream, 'snapshot_' + getTimer() + (is_jpg ? '.jpg' : '.png'));



If you have a question about the AS3 ( or even the AS2 ) code, don't hesitate to ask it using the comments area.


这篇关于屏幕截图并保存为JPG,Actionscript 2.0的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:28