



我有一个Windows Docker容器( microsoft / aspnet ),该容器托管一个简单的Web API。 Web API接受来自表单的文件,将它们保存在temp文件夹中,进行一些处理,然后返回结果。

I've got a Windows Docker container (microsoft/aspnet) that is hosting a simple Web API. The web API accepts files from a form, saves them in a temp folder, does some processing, and then returns the result.

在本地部署时工作正常,但是当在Docker容器中完成后,我的临时文件夹( App_Data )出现文件权限错误。

This works fine when deployed locally, but when done in my Docker container, I get a file permissions error on my temp folder (App_Data).


Is there a way to grant the IIS user the code is running as access to this file, or to open up the folder to any user for read/write access?


Current Docker file is below:

FROM microsoft/aspnet

COPY ./Deploy/ /inetpub/wwwroot

RUN mkdir /inetpub/wwwroot/App_Data


Error message snippet I get running API from docker image:

"InnerException":{"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Access to the path 'C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\App_Data\\BodyPart_481b6424-f9a5-4608-894d-406145a48445' is denied.","ExceptionType":"System.UnauthorizedAccessException"

在aspnet-docker github上似乎有一个关于同一问题的错误开放。

It looks like there is a bug open on the aspnet-docker github about this same issue. [link]

与此同时,启动容器后,似乎运行 cacls App_Data / G IIS_IUSRS:F 可以临时解决问题。

In the meantime, it looks like running cacls App_Data /G IIS_IUSRS:F after starting the container fixes the issue temporarily.


不清楚原因,但是 cacls 在作为构建容器的一部分运行时似乎不起作用。切换为使用 icacls ,并且能够授予该文件夹的 IIS_USRS 权限。

Unclear why, but cacls doesn't seem to be working when run as part of building the container. Switched to using icacls, and was able to grant the IIS_USRS permissions on the folder.


Line added to dockerfile:



08-03 19:05