本文介绍了WKWebView 是否支持 websocket?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个很简短的问题.我开始开发一个针对 Android 的应用程序,但为什么不尝试在 iOS 上使用它呢?应用程序只有 WebView,它将使用 WebSocket 进行通信.

I have very short question. I'm starting to develop an app, which is targeted to Android, but why not try to use it on iOS? Application has WebView only and it will use WebSocket for communication.

我的问题是,UIWebView 支持 WebSocket 还是需要使用外部库?我没有要检查的 Apple 设备,也没有在互联网上找到任何信息.

My question is, does the UIWebView support WebSocket or is it necessary to use external libraries? I don't have an Apple device to check and didn't find any information in the internet.


我读过 UIWebView 已被弃用.WKWebView 呢?

I've read that UIWebView is deprecated. What about WKWebView?


我发现 WKWebView 确实支持 Web Sockets.真正让我惊讶的是它还支持在后台保持 websockets 打开(假设您在应用程序中设置了适当的要求).然后,您可以根据需要使用 messageHandlers.postMessage 机制将消息传递到本机端.

I have found that WKWebView does support Web Sockets. What really surprised me is it also supports keeping the websockets open in the background (assuming you have the appropriate requirements set up in your app). You can then pass messages to the native side as required using the messageHandlers.postMessage mechanism.

或者,如果您想采用更原生的方法,您可以使用 SocketRocket,这是一个由 Facebook 开发的库

Alternatively if you wanted to take a more native approach you could use SocketRocket which is a library developed by Facebook

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08-21 01:43