本文介绍了Openshift:没有与以下所有谓词相匹配的节点:Insufficient cpu (173)、MatchNodeSelector (5)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 west-1 的 Openshift v3 上有一个项目.在其中,我有一个运行良好的应用程序,一个在 GitHub 提交代码中非常下游的内容后停止工作的应用程序.问题在于制作豆荚:

I have a project in west-1 on Openshift v3. In it I have an app that worked fine and one that stopped working following a GitHub committing something very downstream within the code. The issue is with making a pod:

No nodes are available that match all of the following predicates::
 Insufficient cpu (173), MatchNodeSelector (5).

我停止了它,然后我缩小了另一个 pod,看看是否有任何奇怪的设置,另一个 pod 的新构建可能已经选择了,我得到了相同的设置.现在两者都坏了.
是 Red Hat Openshift 的 CPU 用完了,还是我有一些奇怪的默认设置决定请求 173 个 CPU 和 5 个节点?

I stopped it and then I scaled down the other pod to see if it was any weird settings that the new build for the other might have picked up and I get the same. Now both are broken.
Is it that Red Hat Openshift has run out of CPUs or have I got some weird default setting that has decided to request 173 CPUs and 5 Nodes?


该消息并不意味着 pod 正在请求 173 个 CPU.

The message doesn't mean that the pod is requesting 173 CPUs.

该错误消息意味着调度失败,在 173 台机器上没有足够的可用 CPU 来满足 pod 请求(请参阅 pod 定义),并且在 5 台机器(节点)上无法调度,因为这些节点没有没有 pod 在 spec 中指定的特定标签集Pod 定义的 .nodeSelector.(两组节点之间可能有交集)

The error message means that scheduling failed that on 173 machines there isn't enough CPU left available to fit the pod requests (see pod definition) and on 5 machines (nodes) it can't be scheduled because those nodes don't have the particular set of labels the pod is specifying in spec.nodeSelector of the pod definition. (There might be intersection between the 2 groups of nodes)

这篇关于Openshift:没有与以下所有谓词相匹配的节点:Insufficient cpu (173)、MatchNodeSelector (5)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:03