


When using a variable to rewrite & proxy to an internal Openshift service within an nginx container's proxy_pass config, NGINX can't resolve the service's DNS due to a required resolver. For instance:

location /api/ {
   set $pass_url http://service.namespace.svc:8080$request_uri;
   proxy_pass  $pass_url;

使用标准Kubernetes时,我可以使用 kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local 作为解析器:

When using standard Kubernetes, I can use kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.localas the resolver:

resolver kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local;

但是Openshift不提供此功能.我尝试使用容器的/etc/resolv.conf 中的IP,该IP只是群集中运行DNS服务器的节点之一,但仍然无法解析

But Openshift doesn't provide this. I've tried using the IP that is in the container's /etc/resolv.conf, which is just one of the nodes in my cluster that is running the DNS server, but it still can't resolve.

最奇怪的部分是容器终端内部的 nslookup service.namespace.svc 使用/etc/resolv.conf 中的名称服务器,并且工作正常.

Weirdest part is nslookup service.namespace.svc from inside the container terminal uses the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and it works fine.

我可以使用Openshift中的Kubernetes DNS主机名等效项,还是解决此问题的另一种解决方案?

Is there an equivalent to the Kubernetes DNS hostname in Openshift I could use, or perhaps another solution to work around this?


在OpenShift 4.7中运行ngnix,我可以通过添加解决该问题

Running ngnix in OpenShift 4.7 I was able to work around this issue by adding


server 配置.显然,ngnix不会解析/etc/resolv.conf ,但是(以我为例), dns-default.openshift-dns.svc.cluster.local 也可以解析为 ,在/etc/resolv.conf 中被定义为 nameserver .

to the server configuration. Apparently, ngnix is not parsing /etc/resolv.conf, but (in my case), dns-default.openshift-dns.svc.cluster.local also resolves to, which was defined as a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf.


08-03 19:01