我正在使用PHPExcel Lib下载excel表格,并要求列日期格式如25-May-17而不是我的excel下载表格中的25-05-17.
I am using PHPExcel Lib to download excel sheet and have required the column date format like 25-May-17 instead of 25-05-17 in my download excel sheet.
I was able to added number format 25-05-17 but not like 25-May-17 and below is my code like.
I can not find the constant in Lib class
const FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD2 = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
const FORMAT_DATE_YYYYMMDD = 'yy-mm-dd';
const FORMAT_DATE_DDMMYYYY = 'dd/mm/yy';
const FORMAT_DATE_DMYSLASH = 'd/m/y';
const FORMAT_DATE_DMYMINUS = 'd-m-y';
Can some please help me on this to set date like d-M-yy(25-May-17)?.
您不受预定义常量的约束;这些只是MS Excel可以识别的一些格式字符串...可能的掩码的完整列表将过多....并且不必要...您要做的就是将字符串值传递给setFormatCode()
You're not constrained by the predefined constants; those are just some of the format strings that MS Excel recognises... a comprehensive list of ever possible mask would be excessive.... and unnecessary... all you're doing is passing a string value to the setFormatCode()
method, so you can pass a string literal.
所需格式的MS Excel掩码为dd-mmm-yyyy
The MS Excel mask for the format that you want is dd-mmm-yyyy
, and you can set that simply as a string literal rather than using any constant:
请注意,MS Excel本身具有用于数字格式代码的自定义"选项,该选项允许您以完全相同的方式设置字符串文字.
Note that MS Excel itself has a "custom" option for number format codes, which allows you to set a string literal in exactly the same way