


I'm really need help with parsing XML by TBXML.I created a demo project with a view has a button,when users press this button, I just call TBXML parsing function from another class.Im doing this to test my TBXMLParsing function works correctly or not. And it works pretty well in my demo project.


Finally, after I tested it, I copy and paste the function into my real project which has a button in first view, when I click on that button then it calls TBXMLParsing function. In other words, it is basically same as demo project. However, TBXMLParsing function doesn't work. It cant traverse thru all elements.


Do you have any ideas? Thanks for helping me.


Update:It is working if I simulate my app on real device, but it does not traverse thru the XML if I simulate it on simulator. It is so weird. However it does work on simulator if I create new project. Thus, there must be something that in my app that prevent parser XML.



NSData *data = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37064335/ex.xml"]];

TBXML *tbxml = [[TBXML alloc] initWithXMLData:data];
[data release];
TBXMLElement *root = tbxml.rootXMLElement;

// if root element is valid
if (root) {
    NSLog(@"root =%s",root->name);

这部分让我感到困惑.我在演示应用中进行了测试,Nslog root = GetUserAccountsRespond但是,在我的应用程序Nslog中,root =(没有打印任何内容).这两个项目基本相同.

This is the part messed me up. I tested in demo app, Nslog root=GetUserAccountsRespondHowever in my app Nslog root= (nil-nothing printed out). Both projects are basically the same.


好,这是可能与我有相同问题的任何人的解决方案.问题是因为当我分析(shift + command + B)我的项目时,xcode在TBXML.m中检测到一些语义问题".然后,我只是按照xcode的指南在TBXML.m中的三个表示"Process XML"(line258、311和458)的地方将"="更改为"==".因此TBXML不起作用,因为它无法处理输入XML.这个问题使我疯狂了2天.感谢Tom Bradley提供的TBXML

Ok Here is solution for anyone that might has same problem as me. The problem was because when I Analyzed(shift+command+B) my project, xcode detected some "Semantic Issue" in TBXML.m. Then I just followed xcode's guide to change "=" to "==" in 3 places where it said "Process XML"(line258,311,and458) in TBXML.m. Thus TBXML does not work, because it cant process input XML. This problem drove me crazy for 2days. Thanks Tom Bradley for TBXML


09-20 23:09