

大家都知道的数字可以写无论是在数字,或者叫他们的名字。虽然有很多例子可以发现,转换成123 123,我无法找到如何将它转化成其他方式很好的例子。

As we all know numbers can be written either in numerics, or called by their names. While there are a lot of examples to be found that convert 123 into one hundred twenty three, I could not find good examples of how to convert it the other way around.


  1. 在红衣主教/名义或有序:一和第一
  2. 在常见的拼写错误:四十/四十了
  3. 在数百/千:2100 - >21百,也有2001百
  4. 分隔符:十一一百五十二,同时也是elevenhundred fiftytwo或十一一百五十二和诸如此类的东西
  5. colloqialisms:三十出头
  6. 片段:三分之一,五分之二
  7. 在共同的名字:一打,半壁江山


And there are probably more caveats possible that are not yet listed.Suppose the algorithm needs to be very robust, and even understand spelling mistakes.


What fields/papers/studies/algorithms should I read to learn how to write all this?Where is the information?



Google does a great job at this, for example:





I was playing around with a PEG parser to do what you wanted (and may post that as a separate answer later) when I noticed that there's a very simple algorithm that does a remarkably good job with common forms of numbers in English, Spanish, and German, at the very least.


Working with English for example, you need a dictionary that maps words to values in the obvious way:

"one" -> 1, "two" -> 2, ... "twenty" -> 20,
"dozen" -> 12, "score" -> 20, ...
"hundred" -> 100, "thousand" -> 1000, "million" -> 1000000


...and so forth


total = 0
prior = null
for each word w
    v <- value(w) or next if no value defined
    prior <- case
        when prior is null:       v
        when prior > v:     prior+v
        else                prior*v
    if w in {thousand,million,billion,trillion...}
        total <- total + prior
        prior <- null
total = total + prior unless prior is null


total    prior      v     unconsumed string
    0      _              four score and seven
                    4     score and seven
    0      4
                   20     and seven
    0     80
                    _     seven
    0     80
    0     87

total    prior      v     unconsumed string
    0        _            two million four hundred twelve thousand eight hundred seven
                    2     million four hundred twelve thousand eight hundred seven
    0        2
                  1000000 four hundred twelve thousand eight hundred seven
2000000      _
                    4     hundred twelve thousand eight hundred seven
2000000      4
                    100   twelve thousand eight hundred seven
2000000    400
                    12    thousand eight hundred seven
2000000    412
                    1000  eight hundred seven
2000000  412000
                    1000  eight hundred seven
2412000     _
                      8   hundred seven
2412000     8
                     100  seven
2412000   800
2412000   807


And so on. I'm not saying it's perfect, but for a quick and dirty it does quite well.


Addressing your specific list on edit:

  1. 在红衣主教/名义或有序:一和第一 - 只是把它们在字典中
  2. 英语/英:四十了/四 - 同上
  3. 在数百/千:  2100 - >21百,也有2001百 - 的工作原理是
  4. 分隔符:十一一百五十二,同时也是elevenhundred fiftytwo或十一一百五十二和诸如此类的东西 - 只是定义下一个字是最长的preFIX匹配一个定义的话,或直到下一个不字,如果不这样做,对于一个开始
  5. colloqialisms:三十出头 - 工作
  6. 片段:三分之一,五分之二 - 呃,没有......
  7. 在共同的名字:一打,半壁江山 - 工程;你甚至可以做的事情一样半打
  1. cardinal/nominal or ordinal: "one" and "first" -- just put them in the dictionary
  2. english/british: "fourty"/"forty" -- ditto
  3. hundreds/thousands: 2100 -> "twenty one hundred" and also "two thousand and one hundred" -- works as is
  4. separators: "eleven hundred fifty two", but also "elevenhundred fiftytwo" or "eleven-hundred fifty-two" and whatnot -- just define "next word" to be the longest prefix that matches a defined word, or up to the next non-word if none do, for a start
  5. colloqialisms: "thirty-something" -- works
  6. fragments: 'one third', 'two fifths' -- uh, not yet...
  7. common names: 'a dozen', 'half' -- works; you can even do things like "a half dozen"


Number 6 is the only one I don't have a ready answer for, and that's because of the ambiguity between ordinals and fractions (in English at least) added to the fact that my last cup of coffee was many hours ago.


08-24 08:57