我正在通过OpenCL在GPU上缩小(寻找最小和最大的)使用 -INFINITY 如果你的数组包含无穷大,
$ b $> $ MAX_FLOAT 将不能正确表现为中性元素。
I'm doing a reduction (finding the minimum and maximum) of a float[] array on a GPU through OpenCL.
I'm loading the some elements from global memory into local memory for each workgroup. When the global size isn't a multiple of the workgroup size, I pad the global size, such that it becomes a multiple of the global size. Work-items past the end of the array put the neutral element of the reduction into local memory.
But what should that neutral element be for max() -- the maximum function?The OpenCL documentation gives MAXFLOAT, HUGE_VALF and INFINITY as very large positive (or unsigned) float values.Does it makes sense to have the neutral element to be -INFINITY for example?
Right now I'm using HUGE_VALF as the neutral element for min(), but the docs also say that HUGE_VALF is used as an error value, so maybe that's a bad idea.
Reduction kernel (Code):
#define NEUTRAL_ELEMENT HUGE_VALF #define REDUCTION_OP min __kernel void reduce(__global float* weights, __local float* weights_cached ) { unsigned int id = get_global_id(0); // Load data if (id < {{ point_count }}) { weights_cached[get_local_id(0)] = weights[id]; } else { weights_cached[get_local_id(0)] = NEUTRAL_ELEMENT; } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Reduce for(unsigned int stride = get_local_size(0) / 2; stride >= 1; stride /= 2) { if (get_local_id(0) < stride) { weights_cached[get_local_id(0)] = REDUCTION_OP(weights_cached[get_local_id(0)], weights_cached[get_local_id(0) + stride]); barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } // Save weights[get_group_id(0)] = weights_cached[0]; }
Edit:I actually ended up using fmin() and fmax() together with NAN as the neutral element -- this is basically guaranteed to work according to the OpenCL documentation as the numerical value will always be returned (NAN is only returned if two NAN values are given).
Quoting the OpenCL standard:
So there's no real difference (except for implied intent) between using HUGE_VALF and INFINITY; either will work correctly for a min reduction. In terms of clarity, I have a slight preference for INFINITY, as HUGE_VALF is conceptually intended for edge-case returns, which this isn't.
Similarly, use -INFINITY for a max reduction.
MAX_FLOAT will not behave correctly as a neutral element if your array contains infinities.