

当前,我在MATLAB中使用以下代码段将PLY读取到MATLAB矩阵中. 这是示例PLY文件.但是,当PLY文件的大小很大时,将花费相当长的时间.

Currently I use the following code segment in MATLAB to read a PLY into a MATLAB matrix. Here is a sample PLY file. But it take a considerable time when the size of the PLY file is quite large.


Is there a better way to read a text file efficiently in MATLAB?

data = textread(fileName, '%s','delimiter', '\n');
data = data(15:length(data),1);
data = (cellfun(@(x) strread(x,'%s','delimiter',' '), data, 'UniformOutput', false));


(This question is a part of my previous question listed here.)


您可以使用 dlmread 函数并利用其指定起始位置的功能

You can use the dlmread function and make use of its ability to specify a starting position

>> data = dlmread(filename, ' ', 14, 0)
data =

    0.1054   -0.2731    0.8550  220.0000  195.0000  173.0000  255.0000         0
    0.1008   -0.2754    0.8550  228.0000  202.0000  184.0000  255.0000         0
    0.1139   -0.2803    0.8490  221.0000  194.0000  172.0000  255.0000         0
    0.1117   -0.2829    0.8500  225.0000  200.0000  178.0000  255.0000         0


The last two arguments specify the starting row and column of the data. The final zeros arise because each of the lines in your test file ends with a space. We can remove these with

>> data = data(:, 1:end-1);

dlmread 函数读取数字数据并删除在我的上一个答案中需要从string转换为double.


08-03 18:17