

本文介绍了使用CAST AST解析器忽略丢失的标头的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I'm on Windows, using MSVC to compile my project, but I need clang for its neat AST parser, which allow me to write a little code generator.
Problem is, clang cannot parse MSVC headers (a very-well known and understandable problem).


  1. 我包括MSVC标头文件夹,解析代码中包含的内置标头将最终导致致命错误,从而使我无法正确解析我想要的部分。

  2. 我之前所做的只是不提供任何内置标头,而是向前声明我需要的类型。它运行良好,并且以某种方式在最新的Clang中不再可用。我真的不知道丢失标头的解析器策略是否已更改,但是每次包含< string> 之类的东西而导致解析失败时,它都会导致完全失败。

  1. I include MSVC header folder, parsing the built-in headers included in my code will end-up leading to a fatal error at some point, preventing me from parsing the parts I want correctly.
  2. What I did before is simply not provide any built-in headers and forward declare the types I needed. It worked fine and somehow it doesn't anymore with latest Clang. I don't really know if the parser policy on missing header changed, but it is causing complete failure every time something like <string> is included and not much get parsed.

我正在使用python绑定(libclang),但如果有解决方案,我会考虑切换到C / C ++ API

I am using the python bindings (libclang), but I would consider switching to C/C++ API if there would be a solution there.


Is there anyway I can alter this behavior and make clang continue parsing even when some headers are not found ?



Use SetSuppressIncludeNotFoundError. Took me an hour to find! You can imagine how glad I was to find it!

这篇关于使用CAST AST解析器忽略丢失的标头的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 18:17