



  • 美元符号可选
  • 负数用括号表示,而不是减号
  • 如果为负数,美元符号应在括号外
  • 逗号是可选的
  • 最大数量为 999999.99
  • 最小号码是 (999999.99)
  • 不必提供小数,但如果提供,则不超过两个数字


99 美元0.99 美元(999,999.99 美元)(999999)($999999)(999,999)99,999.9





您可以将一位到六位数字之间;最后三位数字前的逗号是可选的"更简洁地表达为 \d{1,3}(,?\d{3})?.这也允许您只包含 (\.\d{1,2})? 的两个副本:一个用于正数,一个用于负数,而不是一个没有逗号的正数,一个用于带逗号的正数等

此外,\d{1,2} 可以稍微缩短为 \d\d?,但我不确定这是否有所改进.>

所以,除非使用诸如 (?(1)) 之类的符号来测试是否设置了反向引用,这是我看到的最短版本:


您的正则表达式可能不受欢迎的一个方面是它们将允许类似 $00,012.7 的内容,即使没有人以这种方式使用前导零.您可以通过要求第一个数字非零来解决这个问题,然后添加一个特殊情况来处理 $0(0.12) 等等:


编辑添加:使用像 F.J 在他/她的回答中建议的前瞻断言,后者可以缩短为:


I think I created a working regular expression for what I need. Just wondering if anyone can break it or see a shorter way to write it.

The regular expression should validate the following...

  • Dollar sign optional
  • Negative numbers signified with parenthesis, not a minus
  • If negative, dollar sign should be outside the parenthesis
  • Commas are optional
  • Max number is 999999.99
  • Min number is (999999.99)
  • Decimals do not have to be supplied, but if so, no more than twodigits

So here are some examples of valid ones...


This is what I have come up with:


CORRECTION, my spec was wrong, if the dollar sign is used it must be INSIDE the parenthesis.


You can express "between one and six digits; comma before the last three digits is optional" a bit more tersely as \d{1,3}(,?\d{3})?. This also allows you to include only two copies of (\.\d{1,2})?: one for positive and one for negative, instead of one for positive-without-comma, one for positive-with-comma, etc.

Also, \d{1,2} can be shortened slightly to \d\d?, though I'm not sure if that's an improvement.

So, barring some notation like (?(1)) to test if a backreference is set, here's the shortest version I see:


One perhaps-undesirable aspect of your regex, and of this one, is that they will allow something like $00,012.7, even though no one uses leading zeroes that way. You can address that by requiring the first digit to be nonzero, and then adding a special case to handle $0 and (0.12) and so on:


Edited to add: using a lookahead assertion like F.J suggests in his/her answer, the latter can be shortened to:



08-12 11:42