



通常,在构造函数中,在函数中 this 绑定的对象在使用 new 前缀。但我想象,也有可能(我想我甚至在crockford的书中阅读)手动返回您自己的值。


如果你从构造函数返回一个值类型,你会得到不同的行为取决于是否使用 new 。这就是 String 的工作原理。在您的JavaScript控制台中查看此对象:

S:new String(abc)

Little s 包含字符串值,但大 S 包含字符串Object。



p $ p> function Foo(){
Foo.prototype.DoSomething = function(){
var a = Foo(); //字符串abc。没有DoSomething()方法。
var b = new Foo(); //具有DoSomething()方法的对象。不知道abc。

根据是否使用 new 得到完全不同的东西。

Typically, in a constructor function, the object that is bound to this within the function is returned by it when it is called with the new prefix. But I would imagine that it's also possible (I think I even read this in crockford's book) to manually return your own value. Are there any places where such a practice is useful?


If you return a value type from the constructor, you'll get different behavior depending on if new was used. That's how String works. Look at this object in your JavaScript console:

    s: String("abc"),
    S: new String("abc")

Little s contains a string value, but big S contains a string Object. A subtle difference, perhaps.

You could go way beyond that and use the same function for different purposes:

function Foo() {
    return "abc";
Foo.prototype.DoSomething = function () {
    // something completely unrelated to "abc"
var a = Foo();      // The string "abc".  Does not have a DoSomething() method.
var b = new Foo();  // An Object with a DoSomething() method.  Doesn't know about "abc".

Depending on whether new was used, you'd get back something completely different.


08-03 18:08