


I am learning OS development in a Linux environment using GCC. I learnt in Bran's Kernel Development that all the functions and variable names in C when compiled precedes with an "_"(underscore) in its corresponding Assembly source file.But when I went through the assembly source of a compiled C program, I can't even find the "_main" function.I performed the following.

cpp sample.c sample.i

cpp sample.c sample.i

gcc -S样本.I

gcc -S sample.I



That was true in the early days. A given C function foo would show up as _foo in the assembler. This was done to avoid conflicts with hand generated .s files.


It would also be limited to 8 characters total [a linker restriction].


This hasn't been true for decades. Now, symbols are no longer prefixed with _ and can be much longer than 8 characters.


在大多数情况下,没有. IMO,在这一点上,您引用的参考文献似乎有些过时了.

For the most part, no. IMO, the reference you're citing, on this point, does seem to be a bit dated.

大多数POSIX系统(例如linux,* BSD)使用gcc [或clang],而忽略了_.

Most POSIX systems (e.g. linux, *BSD) use gcc [or clang] and they leave off the _.

当我第一次使用C语言编程时(大约在1981年),_仍在使用.这是在AT& T Unix v7,System III和System V上进行的.

When I first started programming in C [circa 1981], the _ was still being used. This was on AT&T Unix v7, System III, and System V.

IIRC,在1990年代初期,它不再适用于较新的系统(例如linux).就我个人而言,从那时起我再也没有遇到_前缀,但是我[主要]使用linux [有时是cygwin].

IIRC, it was gone by the early 1990s for newer systems (like linux). Personally, I haven't encountered the _ prefix since then, but I've [mostly] used linux [and sometimes cygwin].

某些AT& T Unix派生系统可能为了向后兼容而保留了它,但是最终,大多数人都将"foo is foo"标准化.我没有OSX的访问权限,因此不能排除Johnathan对此的评论.

Some AT&T Unix derived systems may have kept it around for backward compatibility, but, eventually, most everybody standardized on "foo is foo". I don't have access to OSX, so I can't rule out Johnathan's comment regarding that.


The _ had been around since the early days of Unix (circa 1970). This was before my time, but, IIRC, Unix was originally written in assembler. It was converted to C. The _ was to demarcate functions either written in C, or asm ones that could be called from C functions.


Those that didn't have the prefix were "asm only" [as they may have used non-standard calling conventions]. Back in the day, everything was precious: RAM, CPU cycles, etc.


So, asm functions could/would use "tricks" to conserve resources. Several asm functions could work as a group because they knew about one another.


If a given asm function could be called from C, the _ prefixed symbol was the C compatible "wrapper" for it [that did extra save/restore in the prolog/epilog].


That's a reasonably safe bet.


If you're calling a given function from C, it will automatically do the right thing (i.e. add prefix or not).


It's only when trying to call a C function from hand generated assembler that the issue might even come up.

所以,对于asm,我只做简单的事情,然后做call main.它可以在大多数[如果不是全部]系统上使用.

So, for asm, I'd just do the simple thing and do call main. It will work on most [if not all] systems.


If you wanted to "bullet proof" your code, you could run your asm through the C preprocessor (via a .S file) and do (e.g.):

#define CF(_x)          _##_x
#define CF(_x)          _x

    call    CF(main)


But, I think that's overkill.


It also illustrates the whole problem with the _ prefix thing. On a modern system [with lots of memory and CPU cycles], why should an assembler function have to know whether an ABI compatible function it is calling was generated from C or hand written assembler?


08-02 03:02