本文介绍了已安装VS 2015时如何安装WinDbg?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正尝试从此页面安装WinDbg ,在 Windows 10调试工具(WinDbg)部分下.但是,当我下载可执行文件并运行它时,它告诉我

I'm trying to install WinDbg from this page, just under the Debugging Tools for Windows 10 (WinDbg) section. However, when I download the executable and run it, it tells me that

我猜想这可能与我已经安装了VS 2015(和Windows 10 SDK)这一事实有关.但是,当我转到开发人员命令提示符"并输入

I'm guessing this probably has to do with the fact that I already have VS 2015 (and the Windows 10 SDK) installed. However, when I go to the Developer Command Prompt and type in

> where windbg

它告诉我找不到WinDbg.那么,如何安装它而又不做任何大刀阔斧的事情(例如重新安装Visual Studio)?

it tells me that it can't find WinDbg. How, then, do I install it without doing anything drastic (like reinstalling Visual Studio)?


在使用Windows 10和Visual Studio 2015设置虚拟机时,我只是遇到了相同的问题(使用SDK的较新版本).规则(或者至少是什么 是通用规则),在尝试安装SDK之前,我先安装了Visual Studio.

I just ran into this same problem (with a slightly newer version of the SDK) when setting up a VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015. Following the general rule (or at least, what used to be the general rule), I installed Visual Studio first before attempting to install the SDK.

即使我选择了Visual Studio安装中的所有选项,并且似乎已经获得了SDK的很大一部分,但我没有获得所需的调试工具或应用程序验证程序.所述调试器"包括:文件夹为空.但是,当我尝试下载并安装独立的Windows 10 SDK a>,我收到您引用的错误消息,我需要先卸载SDK,然后才能安装最新版本.

Even though I picked all the options in the Visual Studio install, and I appear to have gotten large portions of the SDK, I didn't get the debugging tools or the application verifier, which I wanted. The "Debuggers" folder was empty. Yet when I tried to download and install the standalone Windows 10 SDK, I got the error message you quote, that I needed to uninstall the SDK before I can install the latest version.

Microsoft的站点绝对没有帮助.它没有提供有关安装软件的适当方法的任何线索. 哈里·约翰斯顿的评论朝着正确的方向.

Microsoft's site is absolutely no help. It gives no clues about the appropriate way to install the software. Harry Johnston's comment got me going in the right direction.

在安装Visual Studio 2015之后,您已经拥有Windows 10 SDK.您无需单独下载.要在Windows 10上获取其他工具:

  1. 打开设置→系统→应用和功能".

  1. Open Settings → System → "Apps and features".


Scroll down to "Windows Software Development Kit".


(I had two versions of it installed. The top one was newer. I'd recommend that you proceed with the newer version for the following steps.)

选择它,然后单击修改".然后,因为它是Windows 10,并且所有内容都比它所需的要难,所以请单击修改",然后单击更改".再次.

Select it, and click "Modify". Then, because it's Windows 10 and everything is harder than it needs to be, click "Modify" again.


The installer will launch. Select the "Change" option, and click "Next".


Place a check next to the additional features/tools you want, click "Change" to start the process.


After waiting some time, it will have downloaded and installed the additional portions of the SDK. You should now be good to go!


(This does seem like a bug in my case. The two versions of the SDK (the one I have installed and the one whose installer I downloaded) are identical (both are for version 10.0.10586.212), so running the standalone installer should just launch the same setup tool that you are able to launch from Settings, enabling me to Change/Remove Features. Oh well, at least this works.)

这篇关于已安装VS 2015时如何安装WinDbg?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-02 02:51