如果我在桌面上安装新的git客户端(从2.9.2到2.13.3),我在使用Visual Studio 2015时会遇到什么问题吗?
If I install the new git client on my desktop (from 2.9.2 to 2.13.3), will I have any trouble with Visual Studio 2015?
我们正在使用TFS 2015和Vnext构建服务。即使我到处都没有相同的版本,它仍会继续工作?
We are using TFS 2015 with the Vnext build service. It will continue to work even if I don't have the same version everywhere?
根据你的描述,我连接到TFS 2015并使用我的Visual Studio 2015克隆一个Git Repositories项目。它提示我在团队资源管理器中安装Git客户端。点击安装链接后,它导航到Git客户端站点,让我下载
Git Client版本2.13.3。
According to your description, I connect to TFS 2015 and clone a Git Repositories project with my Visual Studio 2015. And it prompt me install Git client in Team Explorer. After I click the Install link, it navigate to the Git Client site which let me download the Git Client version 2.13.3.
安装Git Client 2.13.3后,我打开一个项目并更改一些代码并将其提交到服务器,在我的Visual Studio 2015中构建它。一切正常。
After installing the Git Client 2.13.3, I open a project and change some code and commit it to server, build it in my Visual Studio 2015. Everything works fine.
All above process execute on my client side. I don't do any changes on my TFS2015 server side.
So I think you could update your Git Client without any trouble with Visual Studio 2015.
Best Regards,
这篇关于更新Git客户端 - Visual Studio 2015和TFS 2015的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!