



我有一个用Visual C ++ 6编写的代码(它是一个GUI代码),我需要在另一台PC上下载这个代码作为软件应用)。有人告诉我,我需要创建一个exe文件。但有人能告诉我最好的方法吗?


我曾尝试使用Visual Studio 2015运行代码,但它一直给我几个错误,虽然它在我使用Visual C ++ 6运行时可以很好地找到。


I have a code that is written wiht Visual C++ 6 ( it is a GUI code) , I need to download this code on another PC as a software (Application). I have been told that i need to create an exe file. but can anyone let me know what the best way is please ?

What I have tried:

I have tried to run the code using Visual Studio 2015, but it kept giving me several errors although it works perfectly find when i run it with Visual C++6.




but can anyone let me know what the best way is please ?


Yes, the best way to do that is to build the project.


我曾尝试使用Visual Studio 2015运行代码,但它一直给我几个错误,尽管当我使用Visual C ++ 6运行它时,它可以很好地找到。

I have tried to run the code using Visual Studio 2015, but it kept giving me several errors although it works perfectly find when i run it with Visual C++6.

你肯定需要构建项目。这些错误告诉你需要做什么。用Visual C ++ 6编写的程序可能与您目前使用的Visual C ++版本存在一些标准问题,或者它们可能已根据安全问题或某些内容标记为过时。

如果您没有共享代码,我们可以帮助您。但在大多数情况下,最好使用Visual C ++ 6构建项目。

You would definitely need to have the project built. The errors are there to tell you what you need to do. The program written in the Visual C++ 6 might have some standard issues with the Visual C++ version you are using right now, or they might have been marked obsolete based on, security issues, or something.

Provided you did not share the code, there is less we can help you with. But in most cases, it is better to build the project using Visual C++ 6.


08-02 02:27