我有一个Azure Functions应用程序,该应用程序有时会冻结并停止处理消息和定时事件。
I have an Azure Functions application which once in a while "freezes" and stops processing messages and timed events.
这种情况发生时,我看不到日志(AppInsight),但以下错误消息告诉我 UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly:
When this happens I do not see much in the logs (AppInsight), except for the following error message telling me "UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly":
timestamp [UTC]: 2018-02-13T09:18:19.609Z
message: UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly
severityLevel: 3
LogLevel: Error
prop__{OriginalFormat}: UnableToLoadExpressionAssembly
Category: Host.Startup
client_Type: PC
cloud_RoleName: (...)
cloud_RoleInstance: (...)
appId: (...)
appName: (...)
iKey: (...)
sdkVersion: azurefunctions: 1.0.11510.0
itemId: e5362c17-109e-11e8-93fc-0f54eb87135a
itemType: trace
itemCount: 1
问题是由部署m引起的过去没有启动触发同步的机制,这阻止了基础架构在需要时激活Function App。
The issue is caused by the deployment mechanism used not initiating a trigger synchronization, which prevents the infrastructure from activating the Function App when needed.
使用CI / CD集成,Visual Studio,MSDeploy或ZIP部署进行部署将触发该同步,并确保在需要时激活您的功能应用程序。
Deployments using the CI/CD integration, Visual Studio, MSDeploy or ZIP deploy will trigger that synchronization and ensure your function app is activated when needed.
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