

本文介绍了如何强制LINQ to SQL对可为空的外键执行INNER JOIN?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a very simple set-up. Table "Node" has a nullable foreign key "ObjectId." This is represented in my database model with a one-to-many association. Now, I want to run a query that gives me all Node-Objects with a particular object id. In straight SQL, this is very easy:

SELECT Node.*, Object.*
    ON Node.ObjectId = Object.ObjectId
WHERE Node.ObjectId = @objectId

但是现在我想在LINQ to SQL中做同样的事情:

But now I want to do the same thing in LINQ to SQL:

private static Func<MyDataContext, string, IQueryable<DataNode>> _queryGet =
            (MyDataContext context, string objectId) =>
                (from node in context.DataNodes
                 where node.ObjectId == objectId
                 select node));

var loadOptions = new DataLoadOptions();
loadOptions.LoadWith<DataNode>(node => node.DataObject);
context.LoadOptions = loadOptions;

DataNode node = _queryGet.Invoke(context, objectId).FirstOrDefault();

令人沮丧的是,LINQ 总是会为此查询生成一个LEFT OUTER JOIN,而我尝试过的任何事情都没有作用.

The frustrating thing is that LINQ always generates a LEFT OUTER JOIN for this query and nothing I've tried makes difference.


On the face of it, this seems to make sense. The ObjectId foreign key is nullable, so some nodes won't have an associated object. But in my query, I'm supplying an object id. I'm not interested in nodes without an associated object.

在这种情况下,INNER JOIN是正确的选择,但是如何说服LINQ?

In this case, an INNER JOIN is the right thing to do, but how do I convince LINQ?


我最终找到了一个很好的解决方案.答案是简单地使LINQ to SQL成为可能.像这样:

I did eventually find a good solution to this. The answer is to simply get LINQ to SQL out of the way. Like so:

using (MyDataContext context = CreateDataContext())
    // Set the load options for the query (these tell LINQ that the
    // DataNode object will have an associated DataObject object just
    // as before).
    context.LoadOptions = StaticLoadOptions;

    // Run a plain old SQL query on our context.  LINQ will use the
    // results to populate the node object (including its DataObject
    // property, thanks to the load options).
    DataNode node = context.ExecuteQuery<DataNode>(
        "SELECT * FROM Node INNER JOIN Object " +
        "ON Node.ObjectId = Object.ObjectId " +
        "WHERE ObjectId = @p0",


这篇关于如何强制LINQ to SQL对可为空的外键执行INNER JOIN?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-02 01:01