



我正在将一些代码移植到C#中以启用可为空的引用类型,并且我在代码中遇到了一些使用 TryGetValue 模式的函数.

I'm playing with porting some code to C# to enable nullable reference types, and I've encountered some functions in our code that use the TryGetValue pattern.


public bool TryGetSession(string key, out Session session) {
    session = null; // assign default
    // code which looks for a session based on the key, etc
    // return true or false if we found the session key

我们要在此处表达的模式是如果返回值为true,则 session 为非null.如果为false,则甚至不要尝试查看会话,这是垃圾.

The pattern which we're trying to express here is "if the return value is true, then session is non-null. If false, then don't even attempt to look at the session, it's garbage.

问题是我现在收到有关 session = null 的警告,但我不得不将某些东西放在其中,作为 out 参数必须由该函数填充.

The problem is I now get a warning on session = null, but I'm forced to put something there as out parameters MUST be populated by the function.


Is there a good answer here? My thoughts:

我可以放弃 TryGet 模式并包含可为空的引用类型(这是Swift等其他语言似乎所做的事情),例如

I could drop the TryGet pattern and embrace the nullable reference types (This is what other languages like Swift seem to do) e.g.

Session? GetSession(string key);


Or, I could live up to my "non-null" promise using a placeholder value e.g.

public bool TryGetSession(string key, out Session session) {
    session = new InvalidSession(); // assign default



如果像我这样迟到了,那么事实证明.NET团队通过诸如 System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis 空间中的MaybeNullWhen(returnValue:true),您可以将其用于try模式.

If you're arriving at this a little late, like me, it turns out the .NET team addressed it through a bunch of parameter attributes like MaybeNullWhen(returnValue: true) in the System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis space which you can use for the try pattern.


Returning a swift-style nullable reference type works well, but the try pattern lets you return things like errors as additional out parameters.

public bool TryGetSession(string key, [NotNullWhen(returnValue: true)] out Session? session, [NotNullWhen(returnValue: false)] out string? error)
  // etc

// This is okay:
if(TryGetSession("cheese", out var session, out var error))
  var time = session.Time;

// But this is not:
_ = TryGetSession("cheese", out var session, out var error);
var time = session.Time;
// "CS8602: Dereference of a potentially null reference"



08-02 00:57