本文介绍了Sql Server 2005 中的时间数据类型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 SQL Server 2008 下创建了小型数据库.现在我想将它移到 SQL Server 2005 并且它不起作用,因为它没有 Time 数据类型.我必须在 SQL Server 2005 中仅存储时间的选项是什么.我编写了小型 TimeSheet 应用程序,它需要以 05:30:00 (hh:mm:ss) 等格式编写小时和分钟,但 ss 是可选的.

I've created small database under SQL Server 2008. Now i wanted to move it to SQL Server 2005 and it doesn't work since it doesn't have Time datatype. What option do I have to store only time in SQL Server 2005. I've written small TimeSheet application which needs to write hours and minutes mostly in format like 05:30:00 (hh:mm:ss) but ss is optional.


SQL Server 2005 确实支持 DATETIME 数据类型,其中也包括时间.要仅存储时间,可以使用 CONVERT 语句:

SQL Server 2005 does support the DATETIME datatype, which also includes time. To store only the time, you can use the CONVERT statement:



It's not optimal, because the date part is not used, but still takes up storage space. But then again, downgrading a database to a previous version never is optimal.

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08-30 05:15