




我承认我必须刷清我对LoD的了解,但对于我来说,我找不到任何东西表明这是在法律的精神范围内。我们的模型中没有一个getter / setter包含任何业务逻辑,这是他做这样做的理由,所以这些对象的客户端不必了解在get / set方法中是否有一些业务逻辑被执行。 / p>


所以我的问题是,它是否真的有意义的暴露模型对象的内部结构,而不是通过getter / setter以LoD的名义?






  final String outputDir = ctxt.getOptions()。getScratchDir()。getAbsolutePath(); 

  final String outputDir = ctxt.options.scratchDir.absolutePath; 


I came back to work from vacation yesterday, and in our daily standup, my teammates mentioned they were refactoring all of the model objects in our java code to remove all getters and setters and make the model fields all public objects instead, invoking the Law of Demeter as the reason for doing so because

I admit I had to brush up on my knowledge of the LoD, but for the life of me I can't find anything to indicate that this is within the spirit of the law. None of the getters/setters in our models contain any business logic, which is his justification for doing this so clients of these objects don't have to understand whether or not there is some business logic being executed within the get/set methods.

I think this is a misunderstanding of what it means to need 'internal knowledge of an objects structure', or at the very least is taking it too literally and breaking a pretty standard convention in the process.

So my question is, does it actually make any sense to expose model objects internal structure directly instead of via getters/setters in the name of the LoD?


There is a book called Clean Code by Robert Martin that covers this.

In Chapter 6 (Objects and Data Structures) he talks about fundamental differences between objects and data structures.Objects benefit from encapsulation, data structures don't.

There is a section about the Law of Demeter:

Uncle Bob gives an example of a LoD violation:

final String outputDir = ctxt.getOptions().getScratchDir().getAbsolutePath();
final String outputDir = ctxt.options.scratchDir.absolutePath;

So this is probably where your co-workers are coming from. I think the argument "we have to do this because LoD" is imprecise at best. The central issue isn't LoD so much as whether the API consists of objects or data structures. It does seem like an unnecessary and error-prone change to push through when there are more pressing things to do.


08-02 00:53