I do not know what language a program was written in, but I'd like to find a decompiler that can decompile its source code and find it out what language it was written in.
If it is made in pascal, c, bas, vb, qb or something this way and decode/save as a readable .src
Something like exe2bin or exe2srcI have a coupple DOS-programs, I think were made in pascal. I need to decompile these programs so I can make them a Win32 application.
Hexrays http://www.hex-rays. com/decompiler.shtml 是一种将Windows可执行文件反编译为C源代码的产品.与其他反编译器相比,它无法实现往返反编译-根据语言的不同,从反编译源重构程序可能或多或少是不可能的.
Hexrays http://www.hex-rays.com/decompiler.shtml is a product that decompiles any Windows executable to C source code. More than any other decompiler, it does not achieve a roundtrip decompilation -- depending on the language, it may be more or less impossible to reconstruct the program from the decompiled source.
对于某些语言,这比其他语言更容易.例如. .NET语言具有Reflector,我相信我已经在VB6中看到过类似的东西.
For some languages this is easier than for others. E.g. .NET languages have Reflector, and I believe I've seen something similar for VB6.