







如果你赶时间,简短的回答是:使用 SliceN 命令。


请注意,即使这个地址是单个数字,结果也是 1x1 1x1x1 表达式,而不是标量数字,因此你不能这样做:数字num = img [10,4]

但是,您可以使用一个小技巧来使用任何功能将表达式转换为单个数字,如f.e.总和。所以可以数字num = sum(img [10,4])

X , Y Z ,结果表达式的大小为 1x1 1x1x1 ,但是


  image img1D:= RealImage(TestData,4,100)
image coord:= RealImage(Coordinates,4,10)

img1D = 1000 + icol //求和测试数据
coord = trunc(100 * Random())//随机整数0-99
图像subImg:= img1D [coord,0]


这里的testdata( img1D )只是使用 icol 从1000到1099的线性图表表达式,在每个像素处表示像素X坐标。

坐标图像( coord )包含随机0到99之间的整数值。

魔法发生在 subImg 中。我们使用带有 coord 图像的表达式作为X坐标。该图像的大小为 10(x1),因此输出的表达式大小为 10(x1),我们将其分配给图像 subImg 显示之前。


img1D [coord,0] = 0


  image img2D:= RealImage(TestData,4,30,30)
image coordX:= RealImage(Coordinates X,4,10)
image coordY:= RealImage(坐标Y,4,10)

img2D = 10000 + icol + irow * 100
coordX = trunc(30 * Random())
coordY = trunc(30 * Random())
img2D [coordX,coordY] = 0




  image img3D:= RealImage(TestData,4,30,30, 30)
image coordX:= RealImage(坐标X,4,10)
图像coordY:= RealImage(坐标Y,4,10)
图像coordZ:= RealImage( 坐标Y,4,10)

img3D = 10000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 1000
coordX = trunc(30 * Random())
coordY = trunc(30 * Random())
coordZ = trunc(30 * Random())
img3D [coordX,coordY,coordZ] = 0




SliceN 命令可能是我在处理数据时最喜欢的语言命令之一。起初看起来很吓人,但它很直接。

让我们从1D提取的简化版开始, Slice1


  number sx = 20 
number sy = 20
number sz = 20

image img3D:= RealImage(Spectrum Image,4,sx,sy,sz)
img3D = 5000000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 10000

number px = 5
number py = 7
image spec1D:= Slice1(img3D,px,py,0,2,sz,1)



该示例对空间点 px,py 执行了此操作。从该位置的点开始( px,py,0 ),它沿Z方向采样( 2 )对于步长为 1 的数据的所有像素( sz )。


Slice1(img3D,px,py,0,2,sz,1)= 0

使用命令 Slice2 和 Slice3 是直截了当的。您可以分别定义两个三个,而不是定义一个输出方向。每个都有三个数字:方向,长度,步长


 数字sx = 20 
数字sy = 20
数字sz = 20

image img3D:= RealImage(Spectrum Image,4,sx,sy,sz)
img3D = 5000000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 10000

number pz = 3
image plane2D:= Slice2(img3D,0,0,pz,0,sx,1,1,sy,1)



  number sx = 6 
number sy = 4
number sz = 3

image img3D:= RealImage(Spectrum Image,4,sx,sy,sz)
img3D = 1000 + icol + irow * 10 + iplane * 100

图像旋转:= Slice3(img3D,0, 0,0,0,sx,1,2,sz,1,1,sy,1)



For源数据 N 维度,并希望输出 M 您需要的维度: 2 + N + 3 * M 参数。


  number sx = 9 
number sy = 9
数字kx = 9
数字ky = 9

图像img4D:= RealImage(衍射图像,4,sx,sy,kx,ky)
img4D = 50000 + icol + irow * 10 + idimindex(2)* 100 + idimindex(3)* 1000

number px = 3
number py = 4

image img2D:= SliceN(img4D,4,2,px,py,0,0,2,kx,1,3,ky,1)


Recently I'm planning to manipulate a stack of images and the goal is to extract a specific subset of slices from there, for example only even or odd or arbitrary indexes, and then save them into another dataset.

In DM, there are a number of helpful functions in the Volume menu but unfortunately, they cannot really fullfill what I want to do.

I am just wondering whether this idea can be realized via scripting.

Many thanks for your help in advance.


There are two ways you can go about it, one of them only suitable for data up to 3D and generally slower than the other, but more flexible.As you have been asking for arbitrary subsampling, I'm starting with that option, but it is more likely that the second option gives you what you want: orthogonal, regular subsampling.

If you are in a hurry, the short answer is: Use the SliceN command.

1) Using expressions (arbitrary subsampling)

Note that even if this addresses a single number, the result is an expression of size 1x1 or 1x1x1 and not a scalar number, therefore you can not do: number num = img[10,4]

However, you can use a little trick to use any of the functions that convert an expression to a single number like f.e. summation. So you can do: number num = sum(img[10,4])

So how does this relate to your question? Well, in the expressions above, we used scalar values as X, Y and Z, and the resulting expressions were expressions of size 1x1 and 1x1x1, but

This will become clearer with the examples below. Starting out with a simple 1D example:

image img1D := RealImage( "TestData", 4, 100 )
image coord := RealImage( "Coordinates", 4, 10 )

img1D = 1000 + icol             // Just sum test data
coord = trunc(100*Random())     // random integer 0-99
image subImg :=  img1D[coord,0]


Our testdata (img1D) here is just a linear graph from 1000 to 1099 using the icol expression which, at each pixel, represents that pixels X coordinate.

The coordinate image (coord) is containing random integer values between 0 and 99.

The 'magic' happens in the subImg. We use an expression with the coord image as X coordinates. That images is of size 10(x1), so the outcoming expression is of size 10(x1) which we assign to the image subImg before showing it.

Note, that the expression we have built is really just pointing to that data of the image. Instead of showing it as a new image, we could have use that expression to change these points in the data instead, using:

img1D[coord,0] = 0

Taking it from here, it is straight forward to extend the example to 2D:

image img2D := RealImage( "TestData", 4, 30, 30 )
image coordX := RealImage( "Coordinates X", 4, 10 )
image coordY := RealImage( "Coordinates Y", 4, 10 )

img2D = 10000 + icol + irow * 100
coordX = trunc(30*Random())
coordY = trunc(30*Random())
img2D[coordX,coordY] = 0


...and 3D:

image img3D := RealImage( "TestData", 4, 30, 30, 30 )
image coordX := RealImage( "Coordinates X", 4, 10 )
image coordY := RealImage( "Coordinates Y", 4, 10 )
image coordZ := RealImage( "Coordinates Y", 4, 10 )

img3D = 10000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 1000
coordX = trunc(30*Random())
coordY = trunc(30*Random())
coordZ = trunc(30*Random())
img3D[coordX,coordY,coordZ] = 0


Unfortunately, it ends here.

2) Using SliceN (orthogonal subsampling)

The SliceN command is maybe one of my favourite commands in the language when dealing with data. It looks intimidating at first, but it is straight forward.

Lets start with its simplified version for 1D extraction, Slice1.

So a very simple example of extracting a 1D data of a 3D dataset would be:

number sx = 20
number sy = 20
number sz = 20

image img3D := RealImage( "Spectrum Image", 4, sx, sy, sz )
img3D = 5000000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 10000

number px = 5
number py = 7
image spec1D := Slice1( img3D, px,py,0, 2,sz,1 )

ShowImage( img3D )
ShowImage( spec1D )

This example showed a quite typical situation in analytical microscopy when dealing with "3D Spectrum Image" data: Extracting a "1D Spectrum" at a specific spatial position.

The example did that for the spatial point px,py. Starting at the point at that position (px,py,0), it samples along the Z direction (2) for all pixels of the data (sz) with a step-size of 1.

Note, that the command again returns an expression within the source data, and that you can use this to set values as well, just using f.e.:

Slice1( img3D, px,py,0, 2,sz,1 ) = 0

The extension for 2D and 3D data using the commands Slice2 and Slice3 is straight forward. Instead of defining one output direction, you define two or three, respectively. Each with a triplet of numbers: direction, length, step-size.

The following example extracts an "image plane" of a "3D Spectrum image":

number sx = 20
number sy = 20
number sz = 20

image img3D := RealImage( "Spectrum Image", 4, sx, sy, sz )
img3D = 5000000 + icol + irow * 100 + iplane * 10000

number pz = 3
image plane2D := Slice2( img3D, 0,0,pz, 0,sx,1, 1,sy,1 )

ShowImage( img3D )
ShowImage( plane2D )

And the following example "rotates" a 3D image:

number sx = 6
number sy = 4
number sz = 3

image img3D := RealImage( "Spectrum Image", 4, sx, sy, sz )
img3D = 1000 + icol + irow * 10 + iplane * 100

image rotated := Slice3( img3D, 0,0,0, 0,sx,1, 2,sz,1, 1,sy,1 )

ShowImage( img3D )
ShowImage( rotated  )

It works exactly the same, but you need to specify both the dimensionality of the source data, and the dimensionality of the output expression. Then, the 'starting' point needs to be defined with as many coordinates as the source data dimension suggests, and you need one triplet of specification for each output dimension.

For a source data of N dimensions and want an output of M dimensions you need: 2 + N + 3*M parameters.

As an example, lets extract the "plane" at specific spatial position from a "4D Diffraction image" data, which stores a 2D image at each spatial location of a 2D scan:

number sx = 9
number sy = 9
number kx = 9
number ky = 9

image img4D := RealImage( "Diffraction Image", 4, sx, sy, kx, ky )
img4D = 50000 + icol + irow * 10 + idimindex(2)*100 + idimindex(3)*1000

number px = 3
number py = 4

image img2D := SliceN( img4D, 4, 2, px,py,0,0, 2,kx,1, 3,ky,1 )

ShowImage( img4D )
ShowImage( img2D )


08-01 23:55