本文介绍了SQL vs LINQ性能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



We currently have a self-made entity framework that relies on a DB-indipendent ORM.


I have to build a software that batch-loads metadata in the DB for about 150 excel template (with info on cell position, cell type, formatting and more).


  • 通过SQL批处理(更快,但交互性更小)

  • via SQL batch (faster but less interactive)


via building objects in memory, processing them with LINQ queries for various integrity checks, and then committing modifications to the DB

我知道SQL绝对快,但是我会知道... 它快多少?

I know that SQL is absolutely faster, but I would know... how much is it faster?


In detail, how much is a SQL query faster then a LINQ query (assuming that all needed data has been already loaded in memory by ORM) ?



TBH in most cases linq or SQL aren't exactly the issue. Your performance will be related to how much data you are inserting, the amount of data currently in your table and the indexes you are maintaining.


Secondly whether you need to do cross checking and/or integrity checks across multiple columns on your data. I have had situations where adding an index and rebuilding a table has taken insert time down from minutes to milliseconds, just due to bad fragmentation and lack of an algorithm.


Linq is an effective way to generate SQL for insertion and modification logic. However you will always end up with the pattern:

  1. 从数据库中获取数据
  2. 使用Linq修改数据
  3. 将更改提交到数据库.

如果有任何可以在插入中利用的逻辑,则可以使用set逻辑在SQL中进行更新.例如.更新客户设置KeyCustomer = 1,其中Sales>1000000.SQLServer处理这样的命令的速度比您使用ORM所能完成的速度快1000倍.但是,正如@gbn已经正确指出的那样,除非您拥有一支由强大的SQL编码人员组成的团队,否则维护通常会在短期内胜过任何性能提升.

If you have any logic you can exploit in your insertions, you may be able to use set logic to do updates in SQL. E.g. Update Customers Set KeyCustomer = 1 where Sales > 1000000. The SQL Server will process a command like this 1000s of times faster than you could ever do it with your ORM. However as @gbn has already correctly pointed out, unless you have a team full of strong SQL coders, maintenance will often trump any perf gain in the short term.


If you have to insert a significant number of records, then you should really be looking at batch loading and/or ETL via SSIS. These APIs will use smarter algorithms and perform any constraint checks in batches rather than per insert which will give you excellent performance increases. But managing an SSIS package is far more work than clicking a button in an app. These are all design decisions you will need to consider when you architect your application.

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08-30 04:51