我刚刚安装了我的Windows安装程序,通过RailsInstaller在Ruby on Rails上工作。在Windows命令行上一切都很好。我也使用cygwin,它默认安装自己的版本的ruby。这不能很好地与C延伸宝石像bcrypt-ruby一起工作。 RailsInstaller版本的ruby没有一个问题,虽然。
I've just installed my Windows setup for working on Ruby on Rails through RailsInstaller. On the Windows command line it all works well. I'm also using cygwin, which install by default its own version of ruby. That doesn't work along well with C-extension gems like bcrypt-ruby. the RailsInstaller version of ruby doesn't have a problem though.
我在哪里得到一个问题是当我试图安装unix特定的gems像unicorn在windows上。它不会去。这应该在cygwin工作。所以我在一个难题。我卸载了cygwin ruby。但现在我不能运行其他ruby,rubygems或耙在cygwin内。它输出以下可爱的消息:
Where I do get an issue is when I try to install unix-specific gems like unicorn on windows. It won't go. This should work on cygwin. So I'm in a conundrum. I've uninstalled the cygwin ruby. But now I can't run the other ruby, rubygems or rake inside cygwin. It spits out the following lovely message:
C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory --
/cygdrive/c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/bundle (LoadError)
Hope some of you could work around the issue.
Yaakov很接近,确实更容易安装一切到cygwin,包括C延伸宝石他们)。问题仍然存在,每当有一个更新的宝石之一。实际上,解决方案是安装我的cygwin缺少的devel make包。之后,我终于可以编译和继续。
Yaakov was close, it is indeed easier to just install everything into cygwin, including the C-extension gems (or most of them). The problem remains though, everytime there is an update on one of those gems. Actually the solution was installing the devel make packages that were missing from my cygwin. After that I finally could compile and proceed.
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