本文介绍了ElasticSearch &附件类型(NEST C#)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 elasticsearch/NEST 为 pdf 文档编制索引.

I'm trying to index a pdf document with elasticsearch/NEST.

文件已编入索引,但搜索结果返回 0 个命中.

The file is indexed but search results returns with 0 hits.


I need the search result to return only the document Id and the highlight result

(不含 base64 内容)

(without the base64 content)




class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // create es client
        string index = "myindex";

        var settings = new ConnectionSettings("localhost", 9200)
        var es = new ElasticClient(settings);

        // delete index if any

        // index document
        string path = "test.pdf";
        var doc = new Document()
            Id = 1,
            Title = "test",
            Content = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(path))

        var parameters = new IndexParameters() { Refresh = true };
        if (es.Index<Document>(doc, parameters).OK)
            // search in document
            string query = "semantic"; // test.pdf contains the string "semantic"

            var result = es.Search<Document>(s => s
                .Query(q =>
                    q.QueryString(qs => qs
                .Highlight(h => h
                      f => f
                        .OnField(e => e.Content)

            if (result.Hits.Total == 0)

    Name = "document",
    SearchAnalyzer = "standard",
    IndexAnalyzer = "standard"
public class Document
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [ElasticProperty(Store = true)]
    public string Title { get; set; }

    [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.attachment,
        TermVector = TermVectorOption.with_positions_offsets)]
    public string Content { get; set; }



Install the Attachment Plugin and restart ES

bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/2.3.2


Create an Attachment Class that maps to the Attachment Plugin Documentation

  public class Attachment
      [ElasticProperty(Name = "_content")]
      public string Content { get; set; }

      [ElasticProperty(Name = "_content_type")]
      public string ContentType { get; set; }

      [ElasticProperty(Name = "_name")]
      public string Name { get; set; }

在要索引的 Document 类上添加一个属性,名称为File"并正确映射

Add a property on the Document class you are indexing with the name "File" and correct mapping

  [ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.Attachment, TermVector = TermVectorOption.WithPositionsOffsets, Store = true)]
  public Attachment File { get; set; }


Create your index explicitly before you index any instances of your class. If you don't do this, it will use dynamic mapping and ignore your attribute mapping. If you change your mapping in the future, always recreate the index.

  client.CreateIndex("index-name", c => c
     .AddMapping<Document>(m => m.MapFromAttributes())


  string path = "test.pdf";

  var attachment = new Attachment();
  attachment.Content = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(path));
  attachment.ContentType = "application/pdf";
  attachment.Name = "test.pdf";

  var doc = new Document()
      Id = 1,
      Title = "test",
      File = attachment


  var query = Query<Document>.Term("file", "searchTerm");

  var searchResults = client.Search<Document>(s => s

这篇关于ElasticSearch &amp;附件类型(NEST C#)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 22:54