


I'm overhauling a website that someone else built for my organization. It was originally set up with "not so great" anchor links which included spaces. I have replaced those anchors with new ones that will work better.

一个旧锚看起来像这样 / course /#To Have 哪个浏览器会幸运地转换为 / course /#To%20Have 。我将锚点更改为: / course /#to-have

Example:One of the old anchors looked like this /course/#To Have which browsers would luckily convert to /course/#To%20Have. I changed that anchor to this: /course/#to-have.


I'm now wanting to make sure that any anchors that may have been shared on social media or that could be linked to from other websites still work; I was planning on doing this via redirect in the .htaccess file, such as this one:

重定向301 / course /#To%20Have /课程/#要拥有


After some research I've found that this is not possible due to the # in the URLs. And I also have not seen examples where an anchor was redirected to another anchor.



如我的评论所述, .htaccess 不可能。

As mentioned in my comment, this is not possible with .htaccess.


Reason being: the hash part (known as the fragment) is not actually sent to the server, and so Apache would not be able to pick it up. Servers may only pick up everything before that, which is described in the Syntax section of this article.

作为替代方案,我建议您在滚动到其位置之前,使用JavaScript转换该片段。您可以通过提取 [window。] location.hash 的值来实现(方括号中的部分作为 location 在全局范围内也可用),如下所示:

As an alternative, I would recommend that you use JavaScript to convert the fragment before scrolling to its location. You can do that by pulling in the value of [window.]location.hash (the part in square parenthises is optional as location is also available in the global scope) if it exists, as shown below:

if (window.location.hash) {

    // Function to 'slugify' the fragment
    // @see https://gist.github.com/mathewbyrne/1280286#gistcomment-1606270

    var slugify = function(input) {
        return input.toString().toLowerCase().trim()
            .replace(/\s+/g, '-')           // Replace spaces with -
            .replace(/&/g, '-and-')         // Replace & with 'and'
            .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')       // Remove all non-word chars
            .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-');        // Replace multiple - with single -

    // Now get the hash and 'slugify' it

    var hash = slugify(window.location.hash.split('#')[1]);

    // Go to the new hash by setting it

    window.location.hash = '#' + hash;



08-12 06:25